Funding the Future: How to Set Up a Trust Fund for Your Child

Funding the Future: How to Set Up a Trust Fund for Your Child
Word trust engraved in black stone with tools and blur effect. Concept image for illustration of strong relationship or partnership and faith.

Last Updated on March 18, 2022 by

Setting up a trust fund for your children could be the best thing you ever do for them. Parents and grandparents can use trusts to arrange for their children’s financial needs. Plus, these trust funds supplement their tax and estate planning.

Trusts are helpful instruments for many families, not only the wealthiest. Thus, how to set up a trust fund is crucial to know.

Now, how do you set one up? Read on to learn how to set up a trust fund for a child.

Elements of a Trust Fund

A trust fund is a judicial body that can manage assets on behalf of another person or group. Here are its elements, and keep them in mind:


The trust’s creator is the “grantor,” who has the power to put almost any asset into the trust. They decide how and when the distribution of those assets happens.


The “beneficiary” is the person or organization receiving benefits from the trust. Any asset kept in a trust fund becomes the beneficiary’s following the grantor’s death.


To move forward, you should know what is a trustee. A “trustee” is a person who manages the trust in the beneficiary’s stead. Appointing a trustee assures parents that everything will carry out on their terms.

Getting Ready to Start a Trust Fund

Preparation is a large part of the process of establishing a trust fund. Before setting up a trust, parents must make these considerations.

Identifying the Purpose of the Trust and the Beneficiaries

Parents can choose to leave an inheritance or real estate to their children. It can even be a college trust fund.

Depending on the purpose of the trust, there are laws and regulations that it must follow.

Parents should also think about the beneficiaries when setting up the trust fund. Will they distribute all assets to all the children? Which beneficiaries will only receive financial assets?

Consider the Funding of the Trust

Parents must consider which assets they want to transfer ownership to the trust. They must give the trust fund legal ownership of their possessions.

If you want to transfer ownership of a house to the trust, update the deed to reflect the change in ownership.

Decide Who Will Be in Charge of the Trust

Picking a trustee is one of the most crucial decisions when establishing a trust fund. This individual must be capable, qualified, willing, and above all, trusted.

Setting Up the Trust Fund

After completing all the necessary preparations, it’s time to set up the trust. Establishing the trust fund is easy if you put careful consideration into preparing.

Sign a Trust Deed

Consult an experienced estate planning attorney when preparing these legal documents. Once you sign all legal documents, the trust is operational.

Transfer Assets to the Trust

Transferring assets depends on the trust’s purpose and the funding. It may include making a bank account for the trust to deposit financial assets. It may also have the legal transfer of a property.

Now You Know How to Set Up a Trust Fund Now

Learning how to set up a trust fund ensures a secure financial future for your children. You don’t need millions to gain from a trust fund. All you need is a desire to safeguard your children, so set up a trust fund now!

If you learned from this guide, check out the rest of our articles for more helpful information.Post Images: