How do I prepare my garden for artificial grass?

artificial grass
3D Model of a Modern House in the Forest. Architecture Abstract.

Last Updated on January 3, 2022 by rida

So, you are finally thinking of replacing your garden with artificial grass. You must be tired of regular maintenance of natural grass every now and then. Well, It’s a better idea to change it with artificial grass & probably the best solution for all your problems that you are facing in having a natural grass garden. Artificial grass needs less maintenance and it’s becoming a popular option for many homeowners to ensure their gardens look green and fresh throughout. So to make it possible you must be looking for a team or do it yourself? Before this what you need to know is that you brought the quality product to install because nowadays artificial turf is available in different styles and quality may also vary accordingly. Artificial grass Dubai is providing you with superb quality & guaranteed durability.

Replacing your natural turf with artificial Alternative:

Trying it yourself or hiring a team,  preparing your garden for artificial turf will go through a number of steps. Here we’ll discuss those steps you need to take for it.

  • Remove your existing turf:

If you already had a grassy garden, you could clean it before. This is most initial but not a hard task to do as it can be done by using different specialized garden tools like turf cutters. It’s better to hire some specialist for this so that he will remove all underlying turf.

  • Conceal the weeds:

Removing turf doesn’t mean it’ll not grow again. Artificial turf allows drainage which is good to keep hydrated but not good for weeds it’ll grow again it can create a problem for your artificial turf. To make it sure that it’ll not grow again you need to suppress the weeds by adding some kind of protective membrane layer.

  • Clear-up your garden:

 For easy installation of artificial turf other than weeds concealing it is necessary to clear up your garden from any kind of unwanted bushes in between or from corners.

  • Drainage:

The most important step to perform, as your artificial turf is reclined some kind moisture-absorbing layer should be present beneath it. The shock-absorbent layer should be the best option to give your turf a soft look.

  • Level -up your Garden: 

When all the extra material is removed, the most important thing is to plan your garden by adding a layer with sand or stones and leveling it then.

  • Layout an Artificial Grass:

After everything is done, it’s time to install your artificial turf. Trim it from edges where it came across the walk-ways. One last thing to do is to spread silica sand over it and brush it then, it infills the stabilized turf.

After you have read all the step you need to do before installing your artificial grass, the best option is to hire an experienced team  to do it for you, that’ll be more convenient for you, rather if you do it by yourself there may be a chance that you could miss to perform  any important 

Task. Let the crew of experienced professionals do this for you perfectly to avoid any kind of  inconvenience.

Enjoy your Artificial Turf!

Keeping in mind all the options, enjoy a Garden Artificial Grass, Hurray! Now you don’t need to worry more about maintenance every Sunday, no need to buy fertilizers, no fear for any insects. You have chosen the best option for your garden with many classic features &  long-lasting durability.
Artificial Grass Dubai furnishes you with the best artificial turf to install and if you need then the best services for installation too. We are here with our no fear and tear policy, taking the responsibility for the best provision of services.