How to use reciprocating saw to cut wood

How to use reciprocating saw to cut wood

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

A reciprocating saw is a versatile equipment that may be used in a variety of situations. You can get one for around $100 – $200 at a home improvement store if you want one that does more than just fell trees.

This tool is frequently referred to as a “Sawzall.” The Milwaukee Electric Tool Company has trademarked this brand name. As a result, no other company or user is permitted to use or publish the name “Milwaukee Electric Tool Company” or its common synonym, Sawzall. While not all reciprocating saws are Sawzalls, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

Use of Reciprocating saw

A saw is a power tool, which runs on electricity. It consists of an electric motor connected to a blade, which is usually mounted on a large cylinder. This machine makes the user’s job easier because it can cut through different types of materials using a rapid alternating motion called “reciprocation.” The tool can also be held at different angles depending on what type of material you’re cutting and how much space you have to work with. Plumbers, electricians, and carpenters often use this tool!

How to cut wood using reciprocating saw

So, how do you use a reciprocating saw? It’s easier than you think. To begin using your reciprocating saw of choice, switch on the power and wait for it to come up to speed after a few seconds. If you are using a variable-speed trigger/dial option, get ready to use this next. Now apply the head of your reciprocating saw against the wood surface and angle it in a direction that will work in your favor as you push forward gradually while applying pressure depending on what kind of maneuvering surface you are working on at the moment.

Tools and material

You need a few things when cutting wood with any best reciprocating saw.

  • Wood Blade
  • Piece of wood
  • Reciprocating saw

Reciprocating Saw

There are a number of reciprocating saws available at sawoffers, with different blade options at affordable prices. The most important of all is to note the durability and lifespan of the tool and make sure with regular care and maintenance, it can be used to suit your purposes for years to come. Good reciprocating saws will have a decent length in their electric cord, so you can cut large distances before needing a new outlet – which is important because there may not always be available power sources in the areas where we have to work!

Type of Blade

When it comes to using cutting blades, deciding between the many options you have can be challenging. While a reciprocating saw may have a blade included with it, the blade will not be designed for cutting anything other than wood (unless specified by the manufacturer), so if you need to cut through another material, you’ll have to purchase another type of cutting blade. For most people, there are different types of cutting blades that are ideal for certain things like combat, construction, or crafting; and knowing when you need one over another is important as you don’t want to waste your time and money searching for something that isn’t going to cut it.

Cutting Procedure

It’s easy to make your first cut. As you become more experienced, it will also become easier as you learn how to start siding wood by investing some time in simple practice. The ideal set-up for making a straight cut is to place the saw’s teeth right to the edge of the material you’re cutting and switch it on. If your saw has a variable speed dial, the preferred method is to squeeze the trigger fully so that the blade runs at its highest speed – unless, of course, this model only offers a one-speed setting.

Once you’ve completed this and you have your blade ready to go, make sure that your saw has been sharpened because a duller blade would just hurt everyone in the end. You know it is done when you’re looking at a golden edge or a copper look. If you can’t find it, get someone’s help. Now lower down the blade ever so slightly and bring it up again. It goes fairly easy at this point now! Make sure your piece of wood isn’t too hard to cut through with this angle… otherwise, be sure to adjust your brush strokes if needed – but for now, it should be fine. As for all the ways you can cut various shapes into wood – there are so many more ways to learn about them – once again, ask for some help from people who have experience with it before as well as practice makes perfect in this case!

Tips for using Reciprocating saw

  • The proper amount of pressure on a reciprocating saw is hard to come by, but one thing you can do is practice your craft regularly. You see, the key to mastering this art is proving that delicate balance between bearing down too much when it’s needed and keeping your grip just firm enough for control at all times.
  • To make your work go faster, you should saw with a rocking and up-and-down motion. This way, your job will get done quicker.
  • You really want to make sure the saw’s shoe is keeping a good grip on your cutting material. Doing so will help make the blade sing at an optimal frequency and increase its cutting speed significantly.
  • When using reciprocating saws, be aware of the “kickback” that can occur when making cuts. If the blade buckles out of a cut and hits into your material at all, it is likely to cause the saw to suddenly react violently and buck back out of your grip. This can happen quickly and could result in you falling from a ladder, especially if you don’t have good control over the tool.
  • Blades have been known to get pretty hot after they’ve been used a couple of times. Just as you might imagine, grabbing a blade right after it’s been used when there is still plenty of heat remaining can be quite an irksome experience – so much so that we might just make the wrong move and suffer a nasty cut as a result.


In the guide above, we’ve outlined the general rules for an all-around useful reciprocating saw and how it can be applied on a day-to-day basis. There are many different kinds of blades designed for specific purposes – be sure to have a blade that is compatible with your device and intended application! Most lights and safety gear are made specifically for use with basic tools like this one. You must follow our guide religiously because if you don’t know what you are doing, attempting something overly difficult may end up being more dangerous than not using a reciprocating saw at all.