Leadership in 2023: Skills and Competencies

Leadership in 2022: Skills and Competencies

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by Faiza Murtaza

Roughly six-in-ten workers in the United States now believe that their work can be done from home, meaning that many leaders have to adapt to the new normal. Leadership in the modern working world has transformed massively over the past few years, with extra emphasis being placed on workplace relationships, emotional intelligence, and mental wellbeing in the workplace. The ushering in of the digital era and the hybrid workplace means that managers and leaders need to know how to keep their workers happy in a remote environment, as well as being able to make workers feel comfortable when working on-site again in 2022.

Communication and Trust

According to the president of the Moser Group, Greg Moser, good communication is a key pillar to success in every part of life. Having good interpersonal relationships with employees, understanding their needs and wants, and the ways in which they work most efficiently is essential to building a workplace of trust and high productivity. Giving employees the freedom to work in the ways they feel is best for them could build future company leaders, while ensuring that workers feel safe and heard in the workplace.

An example of listening to the needs of employees would be to provide workers compensation in the workplace. Workers comp is important because it protects employees and employers from coverage in the event of injury or workplace illness. It gives all parties peace of mind, and it makes employees feel valued by the company they work for. Worker’s compensation is mandated in certain states and there’s a push for it to be compulsory across the board.

Generate and Respect an Inclusive Workspace

Nurturing the well-being of employees in the workplace is an important skill that leaders should have in 2022. We are in the era of inclusivity. Being able to respect the life choices of employees and understanding that the lifestyle a worker chooses will not affect their performance is essential to building a workplace culture that everyone wants to be part of. Leaders should incorporate inclusivity tools such as team meetings and bonding exercises, social education classes, and the use of resource groups to ensure that everyone in the workplace understands each other and respects their individuality.

Embrace Technology and Improve Infrastructure

The digital age requires leaders who are open to the fast pace of the modern technological business world. Being a manager of a team and not being able to use technology that will improve communications, workplace efficiency, and productivity will be hugely detrimental to a workplace’s success. Consistently educating yourself and improving your technological efficiency will allow you to connect with workers who are perhaps on the younger side, and it will allow you to manage your team in a far more efficient manner too.

An Evolving Leadership Style Needed

The skills that are required to be a successful leader in 2022 are very far removed from what was considered essential five years ago. Perhaps the most important skill a leader can have nowadays is adaptability, as the world is currently moving faster than ever before.