Repotting A Plant Bought From An Online Delivery Store

Repotting A Plant Bought From An Online Delivery Store

Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by

Repotting your plant is a vital procedure that can improve your plant’s growth and health. But most people still aren’t sure when to go about this procedure. Most importantly, people often want to know whether repotting plants once they buy them is the right move. 

Repotting indoor plants once they arrive at your home isn’t the best of ideas. The reason for this is that changes in temperature, humidity, watering, and light can affect these plants. So, when you report them the very moment they get to you, you may be causing more harm than good because you will end up stressing them further. 

However, sometimes when you buy your plant from an online plant store or even from a local store, you may need to have it repotted after some days for a couple of reasons. In this article, we will first discuss some of the scenarios where repotting new plants are important. Then, we will go on to give you a step-by-step guide on how to do this without killing your precious new baby. First, you can go to Planted Pot online to learn more about buying your potted plants online.

Situations Where Repotting New Plants Are Important

New plants have to be repotted in the following situations: 

1. When The Pot It Comes in is too Small

Grow pots are usually used to grow and then ship out plants. These pots might be smaller than required, resulting in the roots getting bound if left to grow in the smaller pot. Ultimately, the plant’s growth will be affected. But repotting will help prevent this. 

2. When Fresh Soil Mix is Needed

Plant producers often use hormones and fertilizers for their plants to grow better and flourish. When these plants are sold to sellers, they may stay on the shelf for a while, and the hormones in them may get depleted. When you get the plant, its hormones may not be enough to sustain it. Hence, you must get a new soil mix for it to grow well. 

The issue here is that you most likely won’t know the level of hormones and fertilizer in your new acquisition. This is why most persons prefer to repot regardless; to be on the safer side. 

If you decide to repot your plant, you must be as careful as possible to ensure you do not overstress it. 

Things You Need For the Process

  • The new plant 
  • The new (and bigger) planter 
  • Lava rocks or anything similar to it for planters without drainage holes. You can read this post to learn how to grow plants in lava rock. 
  • Fresh soil mix
Things You Need For the Process

Steps To Repot New Plants

1. Massage the Pot and then Remove it

The first thing to do before taking out your new leafy friend from its grow pot is massage its grow pot for a while. The last thing you want to do is to immediately yank out the plant because this may cause its roots to fall apart. 

So, rather than doing that, push the pot on its side; as you do this, you will feel the roots and soil loosen up. Get a bag that will fit your plant’s base, and then gently slide out your new baby from the grow pot. The plant should lay on the side. 

2. Clean the Roots of Old Soil by Loosening it

Now, you have to remove excess old soil off the root by gently loosening the root. As you do this, remember that your plant’s survival is based on its roots. Giving the roots ample attention at this point will increase its success chances. 

With the pot gone, you’ll see that its roots are just tangled in a circle. So, you must get your hands in there and loosen them for excess soil to fall off. 

Try to remove as much of the oil soil as you can without disrupting or damaging the roots. You’ll know this task is complete once the roots aren’t round anymore and have become elongated. 

3. Repot

Finally, it is time to put your baby in the new home. The new planter ideally should be about 2 inches bigger in width than the old one. You also need to be sure that the soil you fill the pot with is right for the plant. Visit to learn how to select the right soil. 

Fill up the new planter with the soil. Ensure you add enough soil, but also do not overdo it. Ensure there’ll be enough space for your baby to sit while not being too deep inside the pot. 

Now, put in your plant and add more soil on the surface and the side. At this point, the point between the pot’s rim and the dirt should be ½ an inch or 1 inch. 

4. Water it

Once you’ve settled the plant in the new planter, it’ll be time to water it, which will need lots of this. At this point, the plant’s soil is quite dry, so its water need is high. However, when you want to water it the second time, you only need about half of the quantity you used the initial time. 

Use a zig-zag movement when watering, and ensure that you go from one side to the other. 

A Quick Overview

If you’re a plant lover, buying plants from an online delivery store can be an exciting experience. However, the moment you receive your new plant, you may find that it needs some attention before being placed in its new home. Repotting a plant that you bought from an online delivery store is essential to ensure that it thrives and continues to grow healthily.

Assessing the Plant’s Health Before repotting your new plant, you must assess its health. Check for any signs of damage or disease, such as yellow or brown leaves, wilting, or insect infestations. If the plant shows any of these signs, it’s best to treat them first before repotting.

Choosing the Right Pot Selecting the right pot is critical when repotting your plant. Ensure that the new pot is slightly larger than the current one to give the roots ample room to grow. It’s also essential to choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can cause root rot.

Preparing the Soil The soil is also an essential aspect of repotting a plant. Choose a high-quality potting mix that’s suitable for your plant’s specific needs. Adding some organic matter, such as compost or coconut coir, can also help improve soil quality and retain moisture.

Repotting Your Plant Once you’ve gathered all the necessary materials, it’s time to repot your plant. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Gently loosen any tangled or matted roots before placing the plant into the new pot. Fill the pot with soil around the plant, leaving a small gap at the top for watering. Finally, water the plant thoroughly and place it in a spot where it can receive the right amount of sunlight.


Repotting your plant after purchase is sometimes very vital for your plant’s success. But if not done correctly, it may result in some serious and unwanted issues. This is why you need to be as meticulous as possible when repotting new and even old plants.