How are QR codes utilized in the video streaming community?

QR codes

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Hassan Abbas

Mobile technology(QR codes) is rapidly advancing and infiltrating all facets of human life. As a result, this technology plays a vital role in sharing information for varied purposes.

Sharing videos is not just limited to the online medium. You can easily share your video files without the need to type the video link or downloading the video file.

By using a video QR code, you can easily share your video with your audience or customers. It’s the most effective solution to lessen the tedious task of typing the URL of the video.

What is QR codes?

The Quick Response Code (QR code) is a sort of matrix barcode or two-dimensional barcode that was first designed for the automotive industry in Japan in 1994. 

A QR code can store a lot of information such as website, image, audio, and video. The QR code allows the users to access information instantly after scanning using a smartphone camera or a QR code reader app. 

Static and dynamic QR codes are two types of QR codes. A dynamic QR code is much better than a static QR code since it can track data and the user can change or replace the content or data linked to the QR code at any time. 

The user will go directly to the URL with static. However, data cannot be tracked and its content will not be editable.

What is a QR code for video streaming?

A video QR code allows you to convert videos into QR codes. When scanned, it takes scanners straight to a video display. It is a fast and convenient way to access and view videos.

A video QR code is ideal for print marketing since it simplifies the process of allowing users to watch your videos by simply scanning the code. 

How to convert video to a video QR codes?

For streaming, it’s best to upload your video to online storage like YouTube. Here’s how to accomplish it:

  1. Grab the URL for the video or upload the video file you want to convert to a QR code.
  2. Go to an online QR code generator with logo and sign up for an account
  3. Select the QR code solution you need to convert your video into a QR code. You can choose a YouTube solution, URL solution, or File solution.
  4. Always choose dynamic so you can track and edit your QR code
  5. Generate and personalize your QR code.
  6. Do a scan test.
  7. Download your video QR code.

Benefits of video QR codes

A video QR code has a lot of advantages in terms of boosting your online presence on YouTube, creating a buzz about your videos, or entertaining your audience.

It’s simple and error-free

A URL is the only way to connect consumers to online content if QR codes are not available. 

However, typing a URL on a mobile screen takes time and is inconvenient. Users are also prone to typing mistakes. Scanning a QR code, on the other hand, is a much faster and error-free method.

Increase customer reach

QR codes allow videographers to easily lead scanners to their videos which help them increase their brand exposure to new clients.

By printing your video QR code on flyers, posters, and brochures you can drive more traffic to your video or YouTube account.


By generating your video QR code in dynamic form, you can keep track of your QR code data. The metrics are total scans, unique scans, location, time, and device used in scanning.

As a result, businesses can plan their future steps and be more data-driven in their marketing strategies.


If something needs to be changed, dynamic QR codes eliminate the need to reprint or disseminate anything. You can update your link or video content without the need of creating a new QR code.


With the emergence of QR codes, it becomes a new technological way to share information with your audience and customers. 

As ideo QR code is just one of the many QR code solutions offered by an advanced QR code generator as QRTIGER, it modernizes video link sharing and enhances customer experience with easy content viewing. This way, you can attract your audience’s attention while at the same time you can promote your video content.