The Essential New Laptop Guide For 2023

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A young man chooses a laptop in an electronics store. A man looks at laptops in the computer department at the technology store. Buy a laptop.

Last Updated on August 16, 2024 by Ali Hamza

Americans, on average, experience 40,800 bursts of tech rage over their lifetime.

So, you’re not the only one who feels like hurling your laptop over the wall for being slow. To overcome this obstacle, you’re planning to buy a new laptop. Your biggest concern is getting a new laptop that starts misbehaving after a few days of use.

So, how do you mitigate this obstacle and save yourself from future tech rage bursts?

Read on to discover the essential new laptop guide for 2022.

Determine Your Budget

If you need a laptop, you should start by developing a budget. You want to specify how much you can afford to raise for the new laptop. Also, you need to take time to compare the price range of various laptop brands and models.

The biggest problem is finding an amazing laptop with all the features you desire, but the price you feel is too high. You feel that you cannot afford this laptop at the moment, you’ll have to downgrade. The issue is that the downgrade laptop lacks the essential specifications you desire.

To overcome this challenge, you should consider various laptop financing options. The idea is to access credit that helps you acquire the right new laptop that meets your needs.

Besides, look for the top new laptops shop that offers amazing deals. You want to find a shop that offers a wide selection of laptops for sale. So, you’ll review the prices and features of these laptops to decide the best one to purchase.

Define How You Plan to Use the New Laptop

To simplify the search for the ideal new laptop, you should specify how you plan to use it. For basic tasks such as online writing, you can do it with a laptop with basic features. Whereas for advanced work such as coding, you may need a laptop with advanced features.

That’s why you should check the laptop’s CPU and RAM. For basic work, you can get a laptop with 4 GB of RAM, while for advanced, consider 8 GB + of RAM. Also, you need to check the laptop’s processor to determine whether it’s ideal for your needs.

Read Online Laptops’ Reviews

Buying a laptop is a hectic task, especially when you don’t know the key specifications to check. You feel it’ll take you forever to compare different laptop brands and models (and you’re right). Besides, you fear buying a laptop without adequate research and later realizing it lacks the key features you need.

To overcome all these struggles, take the time to read as many online laptops’ reviews as possible. Here are some of the things these reviews will help you know fast.

1. The Best Laptop Brands in the Market 

With so many laptop brands in the market, it’s overwhelming to compare all of them. That’s why you should choose the shortcut of reading online reviews. The reviews will help you shortlist the top laptop brands in the market.

These are brands that offer pocket-friendly new laptops with amazing features. Also, look for a laptop brand that’s known as an innovation leader. So, by choosing this brand, you’re sure to get a reliable new computer that meets your needs.

2. The Top Shops Offering Laptops for Sale 

The other reason for reading online reviews is to know the top stores that stock the best laptops. The goal is to compare the prices and specifications of these laptops to decide the one to buy. Also, the reviews will help you find a nearby or online laptop shop that offers exceptional customer service.

Your goal is to pick a shop with friendly sales reps who help you know more about various new laptops on sale. Depending on your needs, these reps will even recommend the ideal laptop to purchase. The objective is to help you pick a quality laptop with innovative specifications.

3. The Key Laptop Specifications to Check 

As a non-techie, you don’t have an idea of the key laptop’s specifications to check. You don’t understand the difference between an i5 and an i7 laptop. So, to ease getting this information, take time to read online laptops’ reviews.

The reviews will help you know the experiences of people using i5 laptops vs others using i7 laptops. You want to get insights that help you know the ideal new computer to buy.

Check Operating System

When buying a new laptop, the other thing to check is the operating system (s) it supports. So, you’ll need to compare Windows, Mac OS, and Chrome OS to decide the best one for your needs.

Some of the things to consider when comparing these operating systems are:

1. User-Friendliness 

Before you settle on a given operating system, you must check its user-friendliness. You want to find an OS that is friendly to non-techies. An OS that you’ll learn how to use within a short period.

That’s why you need to find online resources that compare the user-friendliness of various operating systems and recommend the best one.

2. Data Security 

With the ever-rising cybersecurity threat, you must check security when searching for the ideal operating system. You want to find an OS that adopts modern data encryption techniques. The goal is to minimize the risk of unauthorized data access.

3. Stability and Robustness 

The other thing to check when comparing various operating systems is stability. You want to avoid using an OS that keeps crashing. Also, you want to find a robust operating system that supports different application software.

Compare Different Laptop Screen Sizes

The other thing to check when planning to buy a laptop is the screen size. To enhance portability consider a laptop with a small screen size such as 14” or less. The reason is that this laptop is easy to fit into your bag and carry with you when on the move.

On the other hand, if you’re buying a gaming laptop, it’s wise to pick the one with a larger screen size, such as 17” +. The idea is to have a big enough view when playing different computer games, thereby having a great experience. Also, as you check the screen size, consider reviewing the resolution.

You want to invest in a high-resolution laptop that offers high-quality images. That’s why you need to compare the resolutions of various types of laptops to decide the ideal one to buy.

Decide Between SSD and HDD

When you search for laptops online, you’ll find some with SSD and others with HDD. So, it’s only logical to wonder what the difference is. As a non-techie, you may assume that the SSD and HDD are the same, so it doesn’t matter which one you pick.

However, this is wrong as there is a huge difference between HDD and SSD.

HDDs are old school and are slowly becoming obsolete. The reason is that HDD tends to have a short lifespan and keeps on crushing. Finally, HDDs are highly likely to get damaged if you drop the laptop on the floor.

So, to minimize all these drawbacks of HDDs, you should go for SSDs. SSDs are the latest innovation, so they’re fast and long-lasting. So, if you want to have a laptop that loads software fast, consider the one with SSD.

Review the Laptop Battery

Many people often forget to check the battery when shopping for a laptop. They assume it doesn’t matter as they live in a place with a stable electricity connection. Yet, this is a fatal error as electricity disruptions can happen at any time.

Besides, if you move with your laptop, it’s smart to look for a computer with a long-lasting battery. The idea is to ensure that even if you forget to carry your charger, you can use the laptop for several hours. Also, take time to review various laptop battery charging tips.

You want to know how to properly take care of your new laptop’s battery to enhance its lifespan.

Check Speakers and Sound Card

Finally, look for a new laptop with great speakers and a sound card. The idea is to watch movies with a laptop with great audio. That’s why you need to compare the speakers of various laptops to decide the best one to buy.

Rely on Practical Laptop Guide to Get Value

To overcome the tech rage of using a lagging laptop, it’s wise to invest in a new one. So, rely on the above laptop guide to help you know the key things to direct you. You want to get a powerful laptop that best meets your needs.

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