Things Not To Do While Writing a Dissertation

Things Not To Do While Writing a Dissertation

Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by rida

Dissertation is the most important and the most difficult part of the whole academic career. It requires several months and even years to be completed. Your dissertation decides whether you are capable of a degree. It needs untiring efforts, in-depth knowledge, and rigorous research skills. This post will explore what would not be fruitful for your dissertation.

What Not to Do While Writing a Dissertation?

Here are some points that can weaken your dissertation topic, content, and research. You should be very careful while writing a dissertation to avoid leaving loopholes in your dissertation.

Þ    Selecting an Extensive or Narrow Topic

Many students select an extensive topic that has a lot of different aspects and a vast scope. Such topics are difficult to manage in terms of research and relevancy that usually confuse the students about how to address and proceed with the topic.

For Example:‘Impacts of Covid Vaccination on the World’ – This is an extensive topic because its scope is not determined. Also, it will be too difficult for the students to evaluate a number of case studies and reports because they cannot address a particular region.

Further, if the topic is too narrow, it will also complicate the research because you will find less information or no data at all. Thus, the dissertation topic should be selected wisely that it must not be too extensive or too narrow.

For example:Shakespeare is a Great Poet Due to His Dark Lady’ – This is a weak topic because it is too narrow. Withouta doubt, Shakespeare is a great poet and his ‘Dark Lady’ plays a significant role in his poetry but it is too difficult to difficult to prove that the Dark Lady is the ‘only’ reason for his ‘Greatness’.

Additionally, it should not be out of your interest, because, it can lose your focus. If you are not sure about what would be a suitable topic for your dissertation, you may get aPay for Dissertation Online service to have a customized dissertation topic.

Þ    Starting Too Late

You must not start your dissertation too late. Starting late means you are left with not enough time to proceed gradually. You will have to complete your dissertation in a hustle if you have wasted the time earlier. Further, you may lack interest and consistency if you start your dissertation late. You should begin with your dissertation research as soon as possible and keep noting the ideas and findings side by side.

Þ    Mixing the Chapters

A dissertation has five to seven chapters and each chapter has a different purpose. If you mix the data with the data which is supposed to be distributed in two or three chapters it will weaken the strength of your findings. Further, if you have added some information in a chapter, which had to be added in a different chapter, it will also destroy the efforts. You must have complete command of dissertation chapter distribution.

For Example:In ‘literature review’ the relevant literary work is discussed in the light of themes and research gap. So, if you will discuss the literary texts in the chapter of ‘literature review’ and mention the research gap in the ‘discussions’ chapter, then you have ruined your whole effort.

Þ    Going Irrelevant

You must not go irrelevant in your dissertation. Keep your research highly relevant and focused on your dissertation topic, problem statement, and research questions. Adding irrelevant information and data to your dissertation content means you do not have good research skills.

For example:Your dissertation topic is ‘The Concept of Absurdity in the Kierkegaard’s Theory of Existentialism’ and you are discussing ‘Nietzsche’ as he shares the same concept, so you are going irrelevant.

Þ    Using Unauthentic Sources

The sources that you use to collect data for the dissertation, must be credible. Most of the students find easy ways to complete their research and for this purpose, they look for online blogs and articles that are unauthentic.

For Example: You are writing about the Revenue a Company Generates per Year and you are collecting the facts from a YouTube video, then it’s insane.

The information from such sources is not accurate and reliable. You may hire dissertation assistance services to get done with a well-researched dissertation.

Þ    Disregarding the Word Count

You must not disregard the assigned word count while doing your dissertation. Most of the students add additional informational information to the content which is not required and usually exceeds the word count. Sometimes, it also happens that the students are unable to meet the required word count, which is considered to be a negative point for their dissertation. It should be around the approximate limit.

For Example:If you are writing a masters’ dissertation and are supposed to produce 15,000 to 20,000 words but you have winded up your dissertation in 10,000 words, then it will be a drawback for your research and efforts.

Þ    Incorrect References

Each source used in your research must be cited properly. If you miss a single reference, it will turn your content into plagiarized. Make sure to add all references according to the requirement and never show even a little negligence in this regard.

For Example:If you have taken an idea from a source and forgot to note it down during research, you will miss its reference while citing your content, which is wrong. Also, if you are required to use MLA style and you are using APA format, then it is definitely a big mistake.

Þ    Submitting Without Revision

A thorough edit and proofread are important before submitting the dissertation because there can be loopholes in terms of grammar, spelling, formatting structure, etc.

For Example:If there is a need forYou’re and you have used “Your” instead, it will change the whole context of the sentence. Such minor and silly mistakes should be rectified.

You must not submit the draft of your dissertation, unless, you have revised it several times. Students who do not have enough time to edit and proofread their dissertations can take online assistance.

Final Statement

Your dissertation should have a strong purpose and must be able to contribute something new to your subject. You must make sure that your dissertation is perfect by all means. You should be very focused and consistent while writing your dissertation; a single mistake or leniency can ruin your entire effort.