Tips on getting the baby to sleep

Tips on getting the baby to sleep

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

You slowly and carefully lower your body, then your arms, and gently, very gently, place the bundle in your arms onto the surface. Throughout this ordeal, you forget to breathe. Sweat trickles down your forehead as you concentrate hard on the task at hand, quite literally, and then, you wait. 

Reading that, you’d think we are talking about someone handling a grenade, but we are actually talking about putting the baby onto the bed, although, potato, potahto. 

The ordeal of transferring a baby from your lap to the crib is real. After putting in so much effort to lull the baby to sleep, it is this part that most people falter on; the baby wakes up when you put them to bed. And then you swear, and then you remind yourself, you wanted this life. 

Although initially, babies tend to sleep a lot, just not when you want them to. Ideally, they should be sleeping for around 14-18 hours, but if you feel your baby is unable to get quality shuteye, you should discuss it with your Child specialist in Lahore perhaps.

Tips to make your baby sleep 

While there is no magic trick in getting your child to peacefully sleep, that is just a bout of sheer luck, there are still things that you can do to encourage a peaceful slumber. These include:

Don’t lose focus 

Just as we can get distracted by our phones before bed, and forget to sleep, children can also become distracted if there is too much going on in their surroundings, i.e., their crib. 

Hence, remove the toys and similar paraphernalia from the crib, so there is nothing that catches the attention of the baby, and frisks their sleep away.

In the same room 

Whereas you might be tempted to shuffle your baby to the nursery –that’s why you set it –but it is actually not recommended. It is better that the baby sleep in your room, just not in your bed. 

When the baby is nearby, it allows the parents to comfort the child as they are just at the brink of waking up, so they fall back asleep. Similarly, it is easier for the mothers to breastfeed their baby and tuck them away, which also makes for more productive sleep. 

No noise

Loud noises can startle the baby and scare them into screaming bloody murder. To prevent this, make sure that you control the sources of noise around you. 

To help lull the baby to sleep, you can also use white noise. Swishing sounds that mimic the amniotic fluid work best, but you can work out which your baby finds more agreeable. 


Babies, like all of us, are creatures of habit. Hence, invest in making a sleep routine, and then stick to it. 

Swaddle is your friend 

Swaddling the baby helps them feel comforted like they were in the womb; all cozied up. You can thus try putting the baby in the swaddle, so they sleep for longer. 

The temperature matters 

One of the key roles in sleep quality is played by the temperature, which is precisely why it is harder for you to sleep when it is too hot or too cold. It is just the same for the babies. 

If they are wearing thick, bulky clothes, they might then be in discomfort, which prevents the baby from sleeping peacefully. Similarly, if they are cold, they will also not be able to sleep. 

The trick therefore is getting them to wear just the right number of layers. A good tip in determining this is that they need one more layer than what you have on.  

 Also, make sure their crib is not in line of catching drift from the AC, heater or the window, as that can cause them discomfort and lead to cold, that then requires treatment from the Best Pediatrician in Karachi.

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Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson is a certified health coach and a fitness enthusiast. She is dedicated to helping people improve their overall health and well-being by adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Emma has written extensively on a wide range of health topics, including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and holistic health. Her mission is to empower and inspire others to take charge of their health and transform their lives. In her free time, Emma enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and experimenting with healthy recipes in the kitchen.