Tips on Writing the Best Facebook Posts

Facebook Marketing

Last Updated on June 10, 2023 by

Social networks, including Facebook, are created primarily for communication. Why not chat with your friends and subscribers by asking what topic they are interested in. People love publications that engage them in conversation. Voting posts and polls belong to the same type. You can also use Facebook post designs to make your posts even better. 

How to make a quality post with text? Before preparing the material, ask a direct question, for example: “What would you like to see on my page?” You can immediately offer options for answers to choose from. It’s great that Facebook provides this opportunity by offering special features.

In any case, when writing a post, be as specific as possible. It is not necessary to mislead the user, by describing the staggering benefits that he will receive by clicking on the link. Write honestly, but with a little intrigue.

Let’s summarize the rules of writing a post:

  • Minimum text – remember that a social network is not a blog on your site, so posts should be extremely concise.
  • Advertising – think of each post as a small advertisement for something. It should briefly describe the benefits and values ​​of the offer. But this should be done unobtrusively and very carefully so that the user does not understand that he is reading the text of the sales post.
  • Easy style – you communicate with friends or people close to you. So dry information texts – away! The simpler and easier it is to write a post, the better the chances of attracting an audience.

A small life hack: in a regular article, we’re used to a standard structure that includes a title, a beginning, the main body, and a call. In posts, the opposite is true: a call to action or a question about the “pain” is better to write at the beginning and only then insert the text into the post. Such a moment will immediately tell the user what is expected of him and what useful information he will receive after reading all the material.

Let’s Add Coordinates

Each post must end with a personal signature or link. With the first option, everything is clear: people like to communicate with real people, which means that by identifying yourself, you will gather friends faster. Also, by working on your signature chips, you immediately highlight your posts from many similar ones. Such an autograph can be almost any phrase. Without official appeals and standard words.

Now, let’s move on to the next point.

How to link to a page in a Facebook post? Technically, this action takes a few seconds:

  1. Open the content you want to link to in the post.
  2. Copy the link address in the browser bar.
  3. Add a link at the end of your post.
  4. Cick the “Publish” button.

It seems that everything is simple. However, not very much. Often after these actions, a long link to a page in the post appears with a bunch of numbers and hooks, which takes up a lot of space. Agree, a post with such a link looks untidy and even annoying.

An Unobtrusive Call to Action

A call to action is a mandatory part of the post. Tell your readers what specific actions you expect from them. These can be standard “subscribe”, “leave comments”, etc. And you can place such a call both at the beginning and at the end. The main thing is that the phrase was written as unobtrusively as possible.

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