Tips To Prepare For Your Property Inspection

Tips To Prepare For Your Property Inspection
building inspections in Adelaide

Last Updated on April 7, 2022 by

So you have listed your home up for sale. Then you have found a buyer as well. And, you have accepted the purchase price. It is a done deal for the sale of your house. Still, it is not yet the time to pack your boxes to move out building inspections in Adelaide.

The last process before moving out is to go through the home inspection process. The home inspection has to go smoothly without detecting major or minor issues. In this article, we will discuss the tips you have to prepare for your property inspection.

Provide easy access to areas that need to be checked:

You have to ensure that the home inspector has comfortable and easy access throughout the property. It will be a red flag for buyers if the home inspectors can’t get to or inspect an area. 

You have to clear any clutter that does not allow easy access or systems that need to be taken a look at by the home inspector, like attics, under sinks, basements, and furnace rooms.

Clear the perimeter:

Also, while checking out the interior function of the property, the home inspector will look at the property’s exterior, like trims, caulking, and siding near the doors and windows. 

You have to let the home areas like the plant growth, stored items, and trash cans that can easily be given an unimpeded look. Search for BPI Adelaide on the web. 

Check the roof:

A clean roof does not increase the value of your home, but it means a lot to the home’s inspectors and the buyers, or it leaves a wrong impression. You have to get your roof cleaned before putting it up for sale. You can’t ignore the roof during your preparations as it plays a vital part during your property inspection.

Take a ladder out and clear out the debris and moss from the gutters or call a professional to get it cleaned. You have to repair your roof if you find any damage before the home inspection or building inspections in Adelaide.   

Keep a clean house:

You must have kept your house clean and tidy if you are adamant about selling your house and going through the home inspection process. You can not let your things build up after the purchase order has been accepted. 

You have to maintain the cleaning process for the home inspection process. A messy and dirty house might make the home inspector suspicious about other areas not being taken proper care of the property. 


With that, we have concluded this article. We hope we could help you with everything you need to know about the tips through which you have to prepare for the property inspection that we mentioned above after thorough research for you. 

The building inspections Adelaide or home inspections take place after the buyer signs off the purchase agreement and before the date of final closing. With the tips that we mentioned above, you can easily be prepared for your property inspection.