Top 5 Fiberglass Pool Problems and Solutions

Top 5 Fiberglass Pool Problems and Solutions
fiberglass pools in Adelaide

Last Updated on July 6, 2022 by rida

If you’re thinking about buying a fiberglass pool, you’ve undoubtedly been searching online for the perfect one. There are potential drawbacks to acquiring a pool, just like there are in every other large purchase, and it’s essential to be conscious of these concerns before you completely devote yourself to acquiring a pool. You’ve undoubtedly also noticed some cautionary statements about the dangers they present. But don’t let it stop you from getting the fiberglass pools in Adelaide you’ve been eyeing. We’re going to go over the five major issues that can arise when you own a fiberglass pool and the remedies you’ll need to fix them fast if you do ever ought to.

Coloured Fiberglass Pool Restoration

Over recent times, colored fiberglass pools in Adelaide have evolved from becoming an unusual sight to the new status quo, with companies providing colors other than the conventional white and baby blue nautical finish. The problem with their appeal is that when your tinted fiberglass pool requires repairs, matching the color finishing on your swimming pool to the original finish may be challenging.

When problems of this kind arise, there are two options. The first step is to polish the ground with a firm surface finish. Another option is to hire a qualified repair professional. Hiring a specialist might differ between a noticeable patchwork and a little aesthetic touch.

Spider fissures in Gelcoat

Spider fissures in Gelcoat are both a benefit and a burden. In an abandoned pool, they are scarcely detectable, which is fantastic. However, they might develop gradually without your knowledge because they are difficult to detect. Spider cracks in the gel coat are caused by compression on any spot of the pool casing that exceeds the gel coat’s capacity to expand. 

There is an easy solution to this problem. Hire a company that makes levelled pools and puts the gel coat to the proper thickness. You may also employ a reliable constructor to level the pool and assemble it carefully.

Discoloration and Fading

We obsess so much about the aesthetics of our pools that fiberglass pools have these problems. You shouldn’t have to worry about faded paint or discoloration as long as the pool maker follows standard manufacturing methods. Check to see if the maker takes a creative approach to producing fiberglass pools. It’s exactly what your pool needs to keep it from fading and discoloring.

Distended Pool Sidewalls

Pool walls that protrude are not as prevalent as you may imagine. After a thorough examination of the installation procedure, it was discovered that the issue was caused by the backfill base, which is typically sand. Applying sand as a backfill would ordinarily not be a problem. When sand is moist, though, it liquefies.

Leaks are caused by settling in the plumbing system.

Plumbing does not settle on its own. The backfill component surrounding the fiberglass pool typically subsides and takes the infrastructure with it. Most plumbers will connect their pipes together to keep them in place, but that’s still a massive strain. As a result, established plumbing shows up in the only manner it knows how: leakage. The answer is to utilise non-settling gravel backfill. If the backfill isn’t flowing, it’s safe to assume the plumbing will not flow.


Now that you’ve learned so much about fiberglass pools, the problems they may cause, and how to solve them, you can start looking for your ideal pool. For more information about fiberglass pools, go to Outside Development.