Top Colleges Accepting NIFT Exam

NIFT Colleges

Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by

The 2023 NIFT Participating Colleges counselling cycle will soon begin- A total of 4,565 undergraduates and graduate programmes seats are reserved for Indian citizens for the current academic year. Examine the courses and categories for which seats are available at NIFT based on the results of the NIFT Entrance Exam 2023.

To narrow down applicants for admission to design courses provided at National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) campuses, the NIFT Entrance Exam is held. On February 6, 2022, the NIFT admission exam was held. Counselling for NIFT 2023 will take place sometime in June or July.

With 18 locations throughout India, the National Institute of Fashion Technology has its main office in New Delhi. Only 17 NIFT Participating Colleges, however, accept test results for admission.

Only short-term courses are available at NIFT Varanasi, which does not accept NIFT test results.

Colleges available for NIFT Participating Colleges have expanded throughout the years. The table below shows how many seats are available for the NIFT entrance exam in 2023.

NIFT Participating Colleges List: State Wise

As a preeminent fashion institute, NIFT has locations all over India. Its first campus in New Delhi was established with the FIT, New York. From 1986 to 2022, there were 16 NIFT campuses spread over 16 states.

They just launched a campus in Srinagar in 2021, solely teaching undergraduate courses, and a site in Panchkula, Haryana, in 2017. The foundation year for each NIFT participating colleges in India are listed below.

Sr.noName of the CollegeEstablishment yearNo. of seats
1NIFT, Delhi1986376
2NIFT, Mumbai1995304
3NIFT, Bangalore1996338
4NIFT, Chennai1995338
5NIFT, Patna2008204
6NIFT, Gandhinagar1995300
7NIFT, Bhopal2008170
8NIFT, Hyderabad1995266
9NIFT, Kannur, Kerala2008238
10NIFT, Kolkata1995304
11NIFT, Panchkula2019204
12NIFT, Raebareli (Uttar Pradesh)2007228
13NIFT, Shilong2008170
14NIFT, Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)2009204
15NIFT, Jodhpur(Rajasthan)2010204
16NIFT, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha)2010204
17NIFT, Sri Nagar2021136

What Takes Place Before and After the NIFT Entrance Exam?

Candidates must follow some guidelines to avoid stress and ensure that they receive a good night’s sleep the night before the exam. Aspirants must arrive at the NIFT Participating Colleges location on time and carefully review the documents, including the admit card and picture identification, such as an Aadhar card, required at admittance.

Candidates must compare their answers from the officially issued answer key after the admission exam and wait for the announcement of the actual cut-off list.

Required Documents for Counseling at NIFT Colleges

Candidates who attend counselling will need the following paperwork:

  • 12th grade or degree (marks Sheet and Certificate).
  • The examination date sheet/acceptance card must be brought if the candidate took the qualifying exam/backlog (of the last year/semester) and the result is due.
  • (High School Mark Sheets & Certificate) As evidence of birth date (Original and Photocopy).
  • OBC – Non-Creamy/PWD SC/ST (supported with requisite Certificate).
  • A Registered Medical Practitioner must sign the original, in the prescribed format, Certificate of Medical Fitness.
  • Affidavit on non-judicial promissory note with a ten rupee fee for requesting provisional admission only if the qualifying exam result has not yet been released (in the format at Annexure-I).
  • a project including anti-ragging (Annexure-II).
  • A commitment about fee reimbursement (Annexure-IV).
  • artisan photo identification card issued by the state government, the ministry of textiles, the development commissioner for handicrafts, or the development commissioner for looms.

NIFT Participating Colleges- Preparation Tips

NIFT 2022 Preparation Tips for Aspiring Aspirants Who Have Goals to Perform Well in the Exam, A Candidate Must Read The Tips Mentioned Because They Have Been Prepared By Experts Who Have A Better Understanding Of The Psychology

Candidates Usually Have Regarding Examinations:

  • Examine the NIFT Participating Collegesentrance syllabus before applying.
  • One of the key components is the situation test, so practise for the personal interview, group discussion, portfolio presentation, and test.
  • Work on communication and presentation skills because those in the design and creative industries have a lot to gain from a strong presentation.
  • For greater clarity, all tests include significant and often asked subjects that candidates can use.

NIFT Participating Colleges 2023- Important Books

The following books are available for candidates to use in their NIFT 2023 exam preparation.

Book NamePublisher
Popular Master Guide NIFT and IIFTR. Gupta
NIFT/NID Exam GuideDr. R. P. Data son
NIFT Entrance Examination GuideD. Mittal
Entrance Examinations for NIFT/NID/IIFTArihant Publications
NIFT Previous years papers (solved)Ramesh publishing house

With regards to National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)

The National Institute of Fashion Technology administers NIFT 2023, also known as the National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Test (NIFT). It is an annual exam that is taken at the national level. It offers a vast selection of undergraduate and graduate courses in many different subjects. Maintain contact. The National Institute of Fashion Technology administers the entrance exam for the institution.

Apart from that if you want to know about preparing for exams then please visit our Education category