Valorant: Account Leveling Explained

Valorant: Account Leveling Explained

Last Updated on January 13, 2023 by Faiza Murtaza

Valorant Episode 3 Act 1, is now live. We already have the patch notes for 3.00. What is the new account-leveling feature? This is all you need to know.

Valorant’s patch 3.0 introduced many balance changes and tweaks in the game economy. It also introduced Account Leveling and balanced the Run and Gun mechanic. What exactly is Account Leveling? We are here to provide all the information. On various websites there are valorant smurf accounts that are ready for sale?

What is Account Leveling in Valorant and How Does It Work?

You might ask, “What is account leveling?”. It has nothing to do boosting. Instead, it is a fancy way to reward you for playing the game and show your progress. Nice right? You can earn many items by simply increasing your account’s level.

What are the numbers above my player card?

Your level is represented by the number on your player card. It will increase in size as you play more of the game. This will give you greater rewards at the end. Account Leveling has been activated since the 3.0 update and players are already noticing changes in the interface. The numbers located above the player cards are one of the most noticeable.

What is AP in Valorant and how does it work?

You may also wonder, “What is AP?” AP stands for Account Points. It’s the experience that you get when you level up your account. To level up your account, you’ll need 5,000 AP. These are the ways you can earn AP.

Playing matches will earn you AP.

Your match result and duration will determine the amount you receive.

For your first win of the day, you’ll receive extra AP

You will only receive AP according to the level of your account. It won’t grant you any additional Battle Pass or contracts. Riot has retroactively added AP to accounts that haven’t been active in a while. This is based on how many times you played in the past.

Riot Games claimed Account Leveling in Valorant would make account levelling retroactive. They weren’t quite right either. While players received some levels when they first logged in to Episode 3, it wasn’t all correctly calculated. Account levels across the board today will change depending on how long you played Valorant before this feature was introduced.

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