What Are Various Methods To Compare Fractions?

What Are Various Methods To Compare Fractions?

Last Updated on January 14, 2023 by Faiza Murtaza

Comparing fractions is evaluating different fractions to determine if one is less than, larger than, or equal to the other. We may compare fractions to whole numbers using the same symbols <,> and =. There are several ways and criteria for comparing fractions, based on the numerator and denominator, as well as the type of fractions presented. But the fastest and most accurate way is the usage of a free fraction calc. Yes, with the help of this fraction to whole number calculator, you can resolve individual fractions easily and compare them properly.  How does it sound?

Let’s move ahead and discuss various ways that are used to compare fractions.

Stay with us!

What Is The Best Way To Compare Fractions?

There are several methods for comparing fractions with either fractions or any other type of the aforementioned number format. Furthermore, our best fraction calculator carefully considers this comparison and presents correct comparison results.

Okay, let’s go over how to determine whether a fraction is larger or smaller and why.

Decimal Method:

The decimal method is the simplest and most accurate approach to compare fractions. Yes, all you need to do here is convert the specified fractions into their decimal equivalents. This allows you to quickly relate them and select the larger or smaller one. There is no better way to speed up your computations than to use the finest multiple-fraction calculator. So make use of it and seize the chance.

Same Denominator Method: 

This is another method for determining the size of fractions. If two fractions have the same denominator, the fraction with the greater numerator is considered the larger one. While the second is, without a doubt, smaller.

Differential Denominator Method: 

We’re going to get to the core of the notion here. Yes, this point is important since it involves comprehension of another notion inside itself. Let’s talk about it!

What you need to do here is compute the LCD. This allows you to make all of the denominators the same. When the denominators are the same, it’s time to compare the fractions using the same denominator procedure described earlier. Although combining two ideas might be puzzling, the dividing fractions calculator can rapidly apply them to display final outcome on your device’s screen.

The Same Denominator Method:

When there are fractions with comparable numerators, the one with the smaller denominator is greater.

Comparing Fractions to Decimals and Percentages: 

This type of comparison is distinct from the others. If you have such statistics in various forms, you must follow the main principles below:

  • Divide the numerator by the denominator to get a fraction.
  • Divide the figure 100 by the percentage value.
  • You now have the decimal numbers for each, and you can compare them to see whether one is smaller or bigger.
  • Finally, rewrite the original numbers with the right sign to reflect their comparison.

You may use a subtracting calculator to decrease complexity and eliminate the long computations needed in the process.

Arrangement of Fractions From Smallest To Largest?

Find the common denominator of numerous fractions with different denominators. You may accomplish this immediately by using a fraction calculator. As a result, all fractions have the same denominator. Remember that a fraction with a big denominator is greater and vice versa. You may rank fractions from least to greatest using this strategy.

Example Problems:

Here we will be resolving a couple of examples that will highlight the concept a little more. So let’s move on!


Which fraction is greater: 2/3 or 3/4?


In this case, we must compare fractions with distinct denominators:


The fractions’ least common denominator is 12.

8/12 versus 9/12 are the Equivalent Fractions

When comparing fractions, the fraction with the larger numerator is the greater one since the denominators are the same.

9/12 is more than 8/12.

Writing Fractions from Scratch: 

2/3 < 3/4

With the assistance of a free fraction calculator, you can do these kinds of calculations in no time. This is the reason a large number of pupils all around the world are taking into consideration the usage of this subtracting fractions calculator.

Fraction Comparison Table:

The following tables show the fractions that are widely used to compare with each other. Let us have a look at these tables:

Larger Fractions:

Greater Fractional ComparisonGreater Fraction
3/4 or 1/23/4
2/3 or 1/22/3
3/16 or 1/41/4
1/2 or 1/41/2
1/8 or 1/41/4
3/4 or 1/23/4
3/8 or 5/163/8
7/16 or 1/21/2
3/16 or 1/83/16
1/3 or 1/41/3
3/2 or 13/2

Smaller Fractions:

Smaller Fractional ComparisonSmaller Fraction
1/64 or 1/321/64
5/6 or 3/83/8
3/7 or 6/73/7
8/9 or 4/38/9
6/9 or 3/73/7
3/4 or 9/129/13
2/12 or 29/82/12
5/8 or 12/165/8
2/3 or 3/42/3
6/3 or 6/96/9
3/2 or 4/34/3

The interesting fact here is that you can also verify all above values with the assistance of free multiple fraction calculator. 

Wrapping It Up:

Fractional comparison is a must concept that everyone should learn properly. With a firm grip over this concept, one can immediately simplify the complications that are involved in the fraction calculations. And once you recognize the trouble, you just have to use the fraction calculator to fade that away.

High school students must learn to compare fractions. This creates a sense of humor by making it easy to recognize larger or lower fraction values. And if you want to speed up your calculations, this free fraction calculator is a wonderful way to start.

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