What Happens if You Have Four DUIs in California?

    What Happens if You Have Four DUIs in California?

    Last Updated on November 26, 2022 by

    If you have more than one DUI in California, and those DUIs are within ten years, your license can be suspended for one year. The first two DUI convictions will result in a six-month suspension of your driver’s license. The third conviction will result in a one-year suspension, and the fourth conviction will result in an 18-month suspension. You must not drink alcohol or drive with any trace of drugs on your person or clothes following the third drunken driving conviction. This article will explain how the suspension will work and what you should do if facing a DUI charge.

    What Happens If You Have Four DUIs in California?

    If you have four DUI charges within ten years, your driver’s license will be suspended for one year. If you are younger than 21 when you are convicted of the fourth DUI, your driver’s license will be suspended for 180 days. The age limit reduces the time you must wait before being eligible for another California driver’s license.

    What Happens After Your License is Suspended?

    When your license is suspended, you can no longer drive outside of California. If you are caught driving on a suspended driver’s license, then a warrant can be issued for your arrest by law enforcement officials.

    How Many DUI is a Felony in California?

    Driving with a BAC level of .08 percent or higher is considered driving under the influence and is defined in California DUI laws as a felony. It means that if you are convicted of driving under the influence, you will lose your driver’s license for at least one year. You will add this additional time to your possible sentence if you are convicted of driving under the influence and with a BAC level of .08 or higher. It can add up to one or four years in state prison if an Orange County DUI attorney convicts you.

    What is a Corporate DUI?

    Corporate DUIs are charged when someone who has a business permit to allow them to drink at a bar, restaurant, or nightclub is arrested for driving under the influence after leaving the establishment. If you have been charged with this charge, your driver’s license can be revoked for three years, and you could be looking at prison time. A corporate DUI is considered one of the most severe charges you can bring against an individual in California.

    Can I Fight a DUI Charge?

    If you are facing a DUI charge in Orange County, you must understand the legal rights. Fighting a DUI charge and having a defense attorney work hard to reduce the potential penalties is possible. In most cases, it is unnecessary to admit guilt to have your case dismissed. You have the right to be represented by a DUI attorney who can fight for you. Your case could be dismissed, or you could be found not guilty of the charges against you.

    If you face a DUI charge and have more than one DUI within ten years, your driver’s license can be suspended. If the fourth DUI is within ten years of the three previous DUIs, your license will be suspended for 180 days. After choosing a DUI lawyer, you will provide the attorney with the police report and any other evidence secured during your arrest.

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