Guiding steps for creating a compelling personal mission statement

Guiding steps for creating a compelling personal mission statement

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Saira Farman

Big organizations have a mission statement that explains more about the institution. It gives an overview of the services and what you need to expect in any organization. The mission statement gives direction to achieving the organizational goals.

Writing a personal mission statement differs slightly from a company’s statement though it serves the same purpose. A personal statement, as explained in this website where you can get thesis help from professionals, provides the direction which governs your decision-making process about a particle career. The information also helps individuals focus on making a crucial career decision when they are at the crossroad.

The biggest problem job seekers face when looking for a job is writing a personal statement. It is a simple process but needs full undemanding of each stage.

While writing the personal mission statement, spend enough time on each stage and try being as honest as possible in your statements. Here are some of the guiding steps to follow while writing your personal mission statement. Focus on each stage and come up with your examples after reviewing this article.

Steps for writing a statement mission personal

Find your previous success

Take time and focus on

the achievements you have made in the past. Write them down and look at the unique things in all of them. Find any common theme in the list of past successes and write it down on a separate sheet of paper.

Determine your core values

Core values are the strong attributes you believe in. When determining your core values, look at the attributes you treasure in your life. Write a list of all the values you think best describes your attitude. The list narrows down to about five or six of the strongest ones. You can focus on the most substantial value from the list and write it down on a separate paper.

Find your contributions

There are several ways you can contribute to the current world. It can be the community level, regional, national, or even global. Depending on your ability and unique talent, you can contribute that you will be membered for years to come.

If you already have contributed, write it down on paper. If not yet, try finding out the contribution you can make and put it on paper.

Determine your goals

At this stage, take time to think about your life goals. You may have several goals concerning your different life aspects such as social, career, among others. Some plans may be long-term, while others are short-term. List all of them on a separate piece of paper.

Write down your mission statement.

After you have completed all four steps, write down your mission statement. Take all four pieces of paper and make a summary of the statement that describes your goals, core values, and your contributions.

Example illustrating the personal mission statement writing process

Finding your previous success

Developed a current beauty product on the market

Part of the team which designed the slogan currently used on a beauty product

I increased the turnout for a newly designed factory in the region.

Determining your core values

Compassionate, hard-working, Creativity, Family-oriented, Spiritual Problem-Solving, Analytical Outgoing Decision-maker, Industrious, Friendly, Positive

Most important core value according to the ranking:

Decision-maker, Creativity, Compassionate, Analytical, Positive, Problem-Solving.

The most substantial core value overall

Decision maker

Finding your contributions

Contribution to the world: Developed a beauty product that meets the need of people

Contribution to the family:

To be the best father in the family

Live a world than you found it for the children, and maintain an ethical code of conduct.

To the future employer: To live by example through creative and innovative problem-solving solutions.

Contribution to the community:

To use my skills and ability to give back to the community through community-based projects.

Determining your goals

Short term goals;

To proceed with professionalism and career by using my skills, values, and talent in helping my future employee achieve their goals.

Long term goals:

Developing additional talent outlets and long-term plans through diversification of my life and achievement of personal and professional success.

Write down your mission statement

To live a complete life compassionately and honestly with an actual dose of imagination mixed with realism and understand that everything is doable, you set your mind on finding a solution to the challenges.


A personal mission statement is individual because it talks more about yourself. You write it to reflect your inner self that you need the employer to see and employ you for meeting the organization’s goals. Though it is personal, the best way to know you have done it correctly is by sharing it with your friends. Let your friend read through and point out areas that need improvement or where you haven’t reflected your attributes well.

Another aspect to note on the admission statement is that it is not a one-time thing. After writing, you need to review it annually and make changes where possible. As daily move by, you acquire new values and make other new achievements. Therefore, keep on updating your statement.