12 beautiful plants you can grow in decorative indoor flower pots

Beautiful plants

Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by

Plants are the best entity to be around. Some beautiful plants ooze happiness, peace, calm and add a decor to the interiors in the most subtle way. They help

  • Clean our air by eliminating carbon
  • Help bring the outside, inside during the dim cold weather months.
  • Assist us with unwinding and diminish our stress

The holy act of watering plants helps us to divert from a hectic day of the never-ending mess of work life and personal life too.  Like an incredible pet dog you have, your plants will cherish you and not argue. With small indoor plant pots, these plants add an added edge to the looks of the space.

There could be no more excellent time than now to add a plant or two to your interiors. You can invigorate your living space or workspace any season and benefit from adding a lavish, flourishing green plant and beautiful fired or stoneware pot to your current looks of the interior. To help put forth that attempt somewhat simpler,we are here to share 12 beautiful plants you can grow in indoor flower pots to improve your style game for the interiors. Remember to grab decorative indoor flower pots from different brands available online to match them with your interior colour and structure. Bonasila, the plant pots manufacturers based out of Ahmedabad has a varied range of flower pots you can choose from.

Few of such plants are mentioned below:


Peperomia leaves fill in close bunches, settling on them as ideal decisions for little retires or work areas. Their thick leaves can hold water and permit them to suffer timeframes without hydration. They can likewise get by under glaring light, however develop best with brilliant, aberrant daylight.


Did you realize that aloevera plants are a piece of the delicious family? Actually like their family members, they appreciate the sun and incline toward that their dirt is totally dry between waterings. They can be grown in various shaped small indoor plant pots easily available on Bonasila.


More modest anthuriums are ideal for adding a splendid fly of shade to any room in the house without occupying a lot of space. They can endure a wide range of light, however will develop the best with splendid, circuitous light.

Asparagus Fern

Designer garden pots are the best solution to grow asparagus indoors.In spite of its name, the asparagus greenery is really a piece of the lily family. In the event that conceivable, give this plant some space to breathe on one or the other side so its leaves can fan out. It will add a lovely sprinkle of green on any rack or table. They add more spark when grown in decorative indoor flower pots. You can easily find these pots from Bonasila in a varied range.

Cactus and Succulents

The desert-dwelling variety of cacti can survive for really long periods of time without rainfall. They add a wow look to the interior.  Bonasila provides various pots to let us grow such cactus and succulents in nexus with the space theme.

Spotted Plant

Spotted plants or in general terms referred as “The Polka Dots” are beautiful plants that give a beautiful look to a tabletop. These little plants are usually known for their pink or purple tone. Despite the fact that it favors roundabout daylight, some immediate daylight during the day is alright for your plant in the event that it isn’t beautiful yet.

Tropical Plants

Tropical plants are lovely living style supplements for plant brightening purposes!  When you track down the correct area for them in the house, they can develop quickly!  Some require more significant levels of dampness than others, so it is insightful to find out about plants you might need to purchase ahead of time to measure the degree of support required.

Money Plant

They are believed to bring in money and are lovely when they climb surfaces. These adorable plants are known for their wonderful round leaves and how for the fact that they are so hard to acquire.


Geraniums are overly simple to really focus on. They need well-depleting gardening soil and minimum watering. They’ll bloom well in a brilliant light position and are accessible in a wide colour options and in different fragrances too.


These little plants can fill in both soil and in water. When you plan to grow it in water, ensure you supplant the water each 7 to 10 days and utilize separated water if conceivable. Water carrying pots can be easily found on Bonasila. On the off chance that you plant it in soil, make a point to water it when the principal inch of its dirt begins to feel dry.  They turn out to bring good luck too.

African Violet

In case you’re hoping to add a few colour based styles to your home, African violets can undoubtedly find a way into all your splendid corners. “The African Violet is a little plant, which implies you can put one all over.

Jade Plant

Jade plants are generally known for their thick, oval-molded leaves. Jade plants can live for quite a long time as long as they are given the appropriate consideration. To keep your plant’s leaves quite gleaming, wipe them down from time to time to battle dust development. This will keep the leaves gleaming and increment its capacity to assimilate daylight.


On the off chance that you’re searching for a scented alternative, go with some Jasmine. No flower smells as wonderful as the Jasmine, and growing one in your house functions as an aroma diffuser. It fills the house with a mesmerizing scent.

Want to buy a planter for your space? Contact the fiberglass planter manufacturers

To conclude, Bringing plants in your space, be it home interiors or be it office interiors adds so much happiness with them. The liveliness in the space with plants need no mention though.  From air plants to succulents, there are lots of ways to add life to your home. Make sure to add this to your space in varied flower pots available in various shapes, colours, designs and much more. Decorating your interiors with plants is a great way to make your home feel more calm and relaxed. No need to google more rather opt for Bonasila.com and spread the grandeur of your interior with green plants in jaw dropping pots.

Read More: How to make water filter using plants

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Kinds Of Plants That Can Grow Both Indoor And Outdoor then visit our Home Improvement category.