Different ways to connect your employees from office and home

Different ways to connect your employees from office and home

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Saira Farman

Covid-19 has affected many routines and activities. Many organizations allow their employees to work from home. Some of them made it convenient for employees to work from home for a couple of days and join the office for 2-3 days. They can continue their work from home and office.

As hybrid working (working remotely) is gaining popularity, it comes with many threats for business as this can endanger your security system. Employees using personal devices for working officials. Following this article, we listed some technology tools that will help you have secure and protected remote work.

Tools to have smooth hybrid working:

●      Shifting to cloud-based technology:

Even before the pandemic started, many organizations used cloud-based technologies which are more convenient and flexible. But this demand has increased more after the pandemic. Hybrid working allowed employees and companies to stay connected.

On cloud servers, everything is on the internet. Either you need to access data from the administration, or you can access it from your home. It does not require physical space and accommodation costs. Cloud-based servers are easy to access and use from any mobile location. As every data is stored online, it can be safe with more security.

Introducing new communications ways

 Many organizations allow 30-40% of employees to work from the office and rest at home. This strategy is used to have fewer public gatherings and to avoid any safety hazards. Some of them got popular, and some of them faced a fall. 

It is pretty difficult for employees to have perfect collaboration with teams working from home as a person working from home can be away from desktops and unable to check important emails right away. This gap is minimized by hybrid working. VOIP technology has been used for this purpose for quite some time. It is flexible and convenient to use, as it only needs an internet connection. You don’t need to fix all the cables and phones. Using Microsoft Teams for communication is another way to connect.

Introducing new communication software:

Employees working from remote locations face difficulties while connecting. Many solutions are there, which are speedy yet secure, for example, using hangouts on Gmail or Microsoft Modern workplace. These software’s are easy to approach and protective of organizations’ privacy. Here employees can collaborate in an instant of time.

It boosts employees’’ productivity and allows them to have more innovative ideas.

 Connectivity between the office and home employees:

Hybrid working is remarkable in terms of convenience and flexibility. It has minimized the barrier between home-based staff and office-based. Different apps gained popularity overnight when many organizations were forced to work from home. Worldwide used applications are like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

Netlogix provides secure and reliable VoIP Telephony service to our customers. We are offering you everything that you need for a productive day. Here you can stay connected with each other through calls and video conferences. It is reliable for both office and home use.

Microsoft Office 365 offers cloud service and device management with a secure system. Many features are provided in the Microsoft team, like wireless microphones and webcams that give total room views, making it convenient for employees to attend meetings from their seats.

Cyber security:

Many organizations have started to work from home, which increases the chance of security threats. It increases cyber attacks as many employees begin to use their devices, not designed for official use.

Following are things you should prefer:

  • Staff training: Educate your employees about cybercrime and which potential threats can disclose your organization’s secure system. Today many organizations are encouraging staff training to attain a protected IT system. Netlogix is an  IT support company in Dubai that is cost-friendly and attentive 24/7, providing customer guidelines.
  • Dual factor authentication makes your system more secure. While logging into your account, entering your password is not enough. Adding a one-time password from your mobile phone will confirm whether the person login into your account is valid or not.
  • To secure your official data from their devices, it is best to use the Microsoft Intune system. These mobile device management solutions defend your IT system from cybercrime. If you are looking for a reliable IT solution Company in Dubai, Net Logix is here. We offer fast yet stable IT solutions to your every problem.

 Technology is always a helping hand in our business. It makes our system efficient and secure. Netlogix helps your business to reach the top with cloud computing services and hybrid working. We intend to be the topIT services in Dubai. All the tools mentioned above and solutions are available in our services range. We are delighted to be there for you in every IT solutions service you need. Our team of experts resolves every IT issue with quick and effective solutions.