5 Essential Information About Emerald Jewelry

Emerald Jewelry

Last Updated on June 10, 2023 by

It’s hard to imagine someone who doesn’t know Esmeralda. Precious and traditional, it has always been present in stories about ancient peoples. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, considered the Emerald a source of beauty and youth. Medieval societies, on the other hand, believed that the stone represented love, harmony and fidelity. Whatever the reason, it is a fact that the “green goddess of all stones” (so called by the Greeks) conquers men and women of various ages and at any time. Want to know more? Find out below 5 essential information about Emerald jewelry. Check out!

1. History: from Egypt to Latin America

It can be said that the Emeralds are Egyptian stones, as the first units were discovered there, more than 5,000 years ago.

The main extraction site was named Mines of Cleopatra, a tribute to the biggest fan of this gem at the time. But the most beautiful versions were on Latin American soil and were found around the 16th century.

Today, Brazil, Colombia and Zambia are proud to be the biggest producers of this wealth.

2. Features: as the most noble stone of the beryl family

The name beryl means greenish stone from sea water. Beryls have semi-precious and precious variations, and the Emerald is the noblest of them. The color of the emerald can vary between light green, dark green and yellowish green. It can be translucent and transparent.

Its shape is usually prismatic and hexagonal crystal, however, although imperfect, it does not change its market value.

3. Sophistication: traditional and current

Emerald jewelry appeals to men and women of all ages. After the diamond, this is the most coveted gem, from ancient times to the present.

Just do a brief search to find celebrities from different generations (such as Elizabeth Taylor and Angelina Jolie) parading on the red carpet these shades of green in the form of shine and a lot of sophistication!

4. Luck: Emerald jewels as an amulet

Lovers of a beautiful amulet will find, in these gems, a source of luck, inspiration and emotional balance.

Brazilian volleyball player Thaisa ordered an Esmeralda jewelry to wear especially in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The piece had 6 carats, the same number as her shirt in the national team, in addition to the dates of her victories in other Olympic Games recorded in the verse.

5. Symbology: love and the Biological Sciences

For the Greeks, the gem symbolized eternal love. Hence, his relationship with the goddess Aphrodite. To the Romans, the Emerald represented the goddess Venus, their respective mythological representative of love. This story made Emerald jewellery traditional gifts at engagements and wedding anniversaries, a symbol of enduring love.

Furthermore, since ancient times, the Emerald has been chosen as the stone that protects medical professionals. The most likely reason is his association with the Greek god and physician Asclepius. Another reason is the green colour itself, which represents nature, life and healing.

Gradually, other courses related to health also started to be represented by the Emerald rings, such as Biomedicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Speech Therapy, Nutrition and Veterinary Medicine.

Read More: How to Buy Wedding Jewellery Online

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Emerald Cut Engagement Rings then visit our Fashion category.