How Do WiFi Networks Actually Work in Practice?

WiFi Networks

Last Updated on July 9, 2023 by

These days, WiFi networks are an essential part of everyday life. People all over the world are constantly connecting to wireless internet to help them do their daily tasks. 

No matter if they’re working, listening to music, talking on the phone, or uploading a video, a wireless local area network is in use. Not to mention, you can pick up WiFi signals virtually anywhere. There once was a time when you could only connect to the internet at home, but not anymore. Places like restaurants, libraries, and even retail stores offer wireless access. 

But have you ever wondered how WiFi networks operate? If so, this article will ease your curiosity. Continue reading to learn more.

What Are WiFi Networks?

WiFi, wireless LAN, and wireless fidelity are some of the terms used to describe wireless internet. WiFi is the abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity. 

WiFi is a wireless networking system that allows electronic devices such as standard computers, laptops, smartphones, smart TVs, gaming systems, and other electronic devices to connect to the internet. Bluetooth, social media, and live streaming are all possible because of the internet and WiFi.

How Does WiFi Work?

Wi-Fi uses radiofrequency waves to transport data through frequencies between your devices and a router. Depending on the quantity of information getting transferred, two radio-wave frequencies are generally used: 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz.  A hertz is simply a frequency measurement. 

A good example to understand how hertz work is to think of the beach.  The frequency of the waves could be determined by monitoring the duration between each wave impact. A hertz is a unit of measurement for the speed of one wave per second.

However, one gigahertz is the equivalent of one billion waves per second. The quantity of data transferred per second increases as the frequency rises.

The frequencies go over the previously stated radio channels and are picked up by the Wi-Fi network to which your electronic device is connected. The router then transforms the frequencies to binary code, which it then converts into the Internet traffic requested, which it gets via a hardwired Internet cable.

The procedure continues until another device requires internet access. All of these steps occur at an incredible speed. The majority of routers run at 54 Mbps megabits per second. That means that 54 million 1s and 0s come in or transfer out in one second as they interpret and transmit binary information.

How to Connect to Wifi

With improvements in wireless technology, products such as laptops, cellphones, smart TVs, and other electronic devices now have a wireless adapter. The wireless adapter, often known as a WiFi card, is a piece of hardware. The WiFi card detects radio frequencies and connects the electronics to the internet wirelessly.

The frequency and speed at which your electronic device operates is determined by whatever IEEE 802.11 standard it is compliant with.

How to Set up WiFi

To use WiFi, you’ll require a modem linked to a wireless router or a wireless gateway. Basically, a gateway is a modem and wireless router rolled into one. These electronic devices serve as your wireless access point. It’s the hub that creates wireless signals and connects wireless devices to the worldwide web.

Here’s how to connect to the wireless networks:

  1. To get onto the internet, the modem must have a cable or wired connection. The technology that the modem hooks into is determined by the sort of internet connection you have, which could be DSL or cable.
  2. The modem is then linked to the router. The router transmits radio waves into your area through its antennae, allowing numerous devices to connect to the web at the same time. You’d have to use ethernet cables to link the modem and the computer that you wish to use to connect to the internet if you don’t have a router.
  3. Lastly, the two-way radio signal is picked up by the receivers. This step is done by the WiFi cards inside of your wireless devices, allowing your gadgets to connect to the internet.

To experience the best wireless connection, you need to keep your device in close range of the access point. Otherwise, your browser will move slowly or you’ll lose connection altogether.

Using a Mobile Wifi Hotspot

The majority of smartphones include a function that allows them to exchange data with other electronic devices. Therefore, they turn into mobile modems. 

However, it’s important to remember that you’re sharing data via your personal mobile network. The WiFi signal that your wireless devices get is determined by the strength of your mobile signal. The WiFi connection might be sluggish if you are in a place with a very weak signal.

To use this function, contact your mobile phone carrier and request that it be added. You can add it as a separate feature, or it may be included with your phone plan, which is most common. Even some phones with no working data can connect to wireless networks.

If you’re looking for ways to improve WiFi functionality, look into the benefits of enterprise WiFi solutions.

Understanding WiFi Networks

As you can see, WiFi networks are pretty high-tech. There’s a lot that goes into providing electronic devices with a wireless connection. Plus, it’s all done so quickly. 

Hopefully, the content above answered most of the questions that you have regarding WiFi signals and radio waves.

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