How to Test a Mobile App in the Browser? See Top 2 Methods

How to Test a Mobile App in the Browser? See Top 2 Methods

Last Updated on August 11, 2022 by

Your business is one of the most precious assets you invest most of your time in; we know that pretty well, ok? But do you know what the most precious asset of your business is? No? Well, it’s your customers. And do you know who they are? The one who likes using your products or services. But the question is, how will you know whether or not your potential consumers “like” your offerings? Well, one “simple” way to find that out is to “know” how deeply they engage with your inventories. “Take,” for instance; you own a Short Video App. “Now,” if your target users visit it and then bounce back because of: playing errors, cluttered user interface, or poor user experience, the chances are high you will lose golden opportunities to engage, obtain, and retain them, resulting in a “huge” financial loss. So, the question arises, how to ensure your web or mobile app delivers the best possible user experience while being highly usable and functional at the same time. Well, that’s where the cross-browser testing comes in. So, let’s see how to test a mobile app in the browser:

But before that, you must understand what cross-browser testing means, and then we will come to “how to test mobile app in browser.” So, let’s start:

What is Cross-Browser Testing?

Cross-Browser Testing refers to a comprehensive process of examining your web app on all the potential browsers, mobile phones, and operating systems to ensure that it works consistently and as expected without a hitch. While QAs run multiple test sessions during cross-browser testing, their “main” purpose is to find any discrepancy or compromise in the quality of your app so they can fix it before release. Got it? Ok?

Now, let’s peek at: 

What kinds of applications usually undergo Cross-Browser Testing?

“Well,” most of the time, customer-facing applications face cross-browser testing as they are the foundation of most companies for revenue generation. However, sometimes some QAs also inspect specific web applications “that” are responsible for keeping track of an agency’s inventory internally. 

“Now,” an imperative thing to note here is that you must know how to test mobile app in browser if your organization “specifically” operates a customer-facing application. Do you know why? Because you don’t know who will access your web app through which web browser on which mobile phone once it gets launched. Therefore, it is “necessary” you perform cross-browser testing for your web app on all the possible browsers, cell-phones, and operating systems that your potential consumers might use to access your application and try out your products. 

On the other hand, if you have an internal organizational application whose target users are your employees only, you may ask them to use Windows 8 operating systems with Chrome browser to access it. But the question is, how will you ensure that your internal app will run smoothly on the Chrome browser and Windows 8 operating system? Well, that’s where you still need to take advantage of web app testing tools to ensure it works fine in that scenario. 

Now, we hope you learned the importance of cross-browser testing for your web application, right? If yes, let’s move further to learn: 

Why do you need to carry out Cross-Browser Testing?

1. To know if something is wrong with your application and fix it then. 

2. To improve its overall efficiency and user experience

3. To be aware of its current performance and appearance in various browsers, like is it the same, is it different, or if the other one is better than the previous one 

4. To get a sense of its functionality and working in different operating conditions

How to Test a Mobile App in the Browser? Look at the 2 Best methods

First, you must know that cross-browser testing can be executed through manual and automated methods “both.” If you choose the former, you will “definitely” require several machines, several operating systems, and several browsers, which could lead to several problems, several investments, and several challenges down the line. However, if you choose the latter, there won’t be such problems. Still, let’s see how to test your web apps through: 

1. Manual Testing

To manually test your desired application, you must first identify the web browsers that your app must support. Once done, you need to create a suite of test cases for every “area” of your app, be it its usability, functionality, display, or performance. 

Post that, you need to re-run the same test cases for different web browsers analyze your app’s behavior, and finally, check for the bugs if any. In “case,” you detect one, resolve it, and then move to the “next” browser until every possible browser gets covered, and your app is ready for the launch. 

Since manual testing methods don’t allow you to inspect your app on many browsers as it is time draining, labor-intensive, and expensive, you must move to:

2. Automated Testing 

“Now,” the primary advantage of relying on automated cross-browser testing is that you don’t have to execute all the test cases on every browser manually. Instead, you can write the test script for one specific browser and run it on other browsers using popular test automation tools available in the market. The benefit? “Well,” it will be easy-to-perform more cost-effective, and less labor-intensive than its manual counterparts. 

Last Words

Hopefully, you learned a “large” number of things through this piece of content, be it the definition of cross-browser testing, the types of application you can test through it, or how to test mobile app in browser. So, if you liked this tech-centric write-up and want to know how outsourced web app testing services can help your specific business, please speak to the state-of-the-art web app testing firm in the USA. 

Read more: How are Mobile app testing tools important?