Human Resources as a Career Choice in Australia

Human Resources as a Career Choice in Australia

Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by

The face of every industry is changing now. Like every industry, the future of HR in Australia is predicted to grow steadily. According to the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Government of Australia, HR jobs are expected to grow by 12.8% by May 2023. HR has constantly been chosen as one of the top professions in the US and UK. A similar trend is seen in Australia as well.

In the age of technology, automation of processes is leading to the loss of jobs in several sectors. But people are not machines, and they are still an organization’s biggest assets. The technology that is being introduced in this field is complementary to the jobs and does not replace the people. This argument works in favor of the need for HR to update themselves to be tech-savvy to better serve their organizations.  According to a 2017 report by Deloitte, HR in Australia focuses on retention through employee experience while not embracing technology as much as their American counterparts. Yet, HR has remained one of the most wanted professions in Australia.

Skills are Required to Start a Career in HR

Certain soft skills are essential for any HR Professional-

  • Admirable Communication Skills
    An HR manager works with all kinds of employees at all levels. They also have to advocate for change in today’s tech-driven offices. To do this efficiently, one needs to be able to clearly and effectively communicate ideas, across all levels of the workforce.  
  • Good with Time Management
    The HR role is not limited to a single function. On any given day HR has to handle multiple tasks amid tight deadlines. They need to be able to manage multiple deadlines and projects simultaneously which calls for strong time management skills.
  • Interpersonal Skills
    As someone who manages Humans, they will have to engage closely with their entire workforce. This requires them to have strong empathy and interpersonal skills to be able to successfully manage different personalities in the workforce.
  • Collaboration
    The work of HR impacts every aspect of the organization. They not only liaise with colleagues in various departments, they might also have to coordinate with external partners for events such as recruitment drives. It is essential to maintain a sense of team in their activities. Being able to consider a lot of different points of view and negotiate through them to achieve the objectives can be done if one is good at collaboration.

Drivers of Demand for HR Skills

HR plays a very important role in facilitating and managing the changes within the organization. Thus, their demand is present in all sectors of the economy. There are two key reasons why the demand for HR is rising.

One is the rapid technological change across all sectors such as AI and ML. businesses need more help to manage the change and to upskill their workforce for a smooth transition. If this is not done properly, the potential of future workplace disruption is quite high.

The second key driver is the increased focus in the Australian landscape on ethical approaches to conducting businesses.  Given the litany of HR News in Australia highlighting the misdemeanors taking place, HR professionals are expected to become the moral compass of an organization, promoting and rewarding ethical behavior. This should be done by developing and implementing suitable policies for the organization.

Basically, modern-day demands for skills are beyond the scope of the traditional HRM theory. Modern-day HR should be able to apply concepts of performance, governance, and law within the scope of the workplace. There are several other skills that are demanded from HR executives that are critical for their success, though these might be difficult to develop in a classroom setting.

HR as a Sustainable Career Choice

The Role of HR has become much more complex in recent years. Now HR managers are involved in strategizing and have sway with the higher management.  HR functions have become more visible now than before. While automation due to technological advancement has killed many jobs in other fields, it is only increasing the demand in the HR sector. There are so many opportunities for career enhancement and professional growth eventually leading up to an executive-level position in the organization. It can be a personally rewarding experience and offer longevity with a combination of growth, advancement in career, and high job satisfaction.

There is and will always be newer roles within the HR field to take on. Specialists will be required in areas as and when they develop such as data analysis, benefits, remote work, strategizing etc. HR is one field that will never become obsolete, as with changing times, HR managers will need to upskill themselves to meet the increasing demands. To keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of HR management, news related to HR in Australia have to be followed regularly.

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