The Importance Of Q&A Bots In Modern Day Business

The Importance Of Q&A Bots In Modern Day Business

Last Updated on August 8, 2022 by

Modern-day businesses require modern-day solutions. A company has to have an online presence coupled with the ability to answer questions in order to stay in business.  This is where Q&A bots come into the scene. Before we talk more about these bots, we need to understand what they mean and what their basics are. First, a look at some statistics! writes, “As chatbots have grown and improved, businesses like American Express and H&M have started using them to provide proactive support and supercharge their customer service experience. Chatbots attached to Facebook’s Messenger increased from 30,000 in 2016 to over 100,000 in 2017. By the year 2020, 80 percent of businesses wanted their own bot, and 60 percent of the youth population already uses them daily.”

These statistics confirm that chatbots are a popular tech. And if you haven’t alreadythe time has come to incorporate them into your own business. That being said, let’s look at the importance of qna bots for small and medium businesses.

So, let’s get started!

What are Q&A Bots?

Q&A bots are software programs that are backed by A. I or artificial intelligence technology. The chief function of these bots is to answer queries and questions raised by the customer on a daily basis.  

Now, let us understand how these qna bots are able to do this!!

The questions, also known as the frequently asked questions by the customers are pre-saved in the database. Bots collect these questions through surveys and if you have a problem or an issue then your question is likely to be there. 

This enables the users to have a quick fix for their problems and also saves money for the company. 

Let’s see how!

  • QnA bots save a lot of time and resources by handling customers’ questions. 
  • As these bots are available 24/7, you do not have to worry about your presence. The customer can reach out directly without any delay.
  • Companies no longer have to hire employees to perform these tasks which ends up saving a lot of money. 
  • QnA bots are a one-time investment. Once you purchase the technology then you no longer have to pay a monthly salary to the bot.
  • Bots are never on a holiday. This means that more work can be done.
  • As bots are computer programs, their memory is much faster than any human out there. They can acquire and process huge amounts of data in a second without any scope of fault.
  • QnA bots also are used to conduct surveys in huge populations that cannot be done by a limited workforce in a company. These databases are then used to improve the company as a whole as well as the products.
  • Bots offer a quick fix to customers’ questions without getting into the redundant talk. They are just there to mean business and perform their tasks without letting any kind of emotions or fatigue affect their performance. 


We live in an age where a lot of things depend upon the technology you possess. Companies that don’t make use of these bots often lag behind when it comes to providing a top-class experience for the customers. So, it is very important to make use of QnA bots to ensure the smooth running of a 21-century business. 

Read more: The difference between bots and subscribers on YouTube