Inside Mount Vs Outside Mount Roman Shades: How to Choose

Roman Shades

Last Updated on November 11, 2022 by

Custom roman shades have been around for centuries and stood the test of time. Over the years, different styles of roman shades have come up and each has its own aesthetic and functionality. While choosing, one can often become confused between these options available. Not only are there different styles of custom roman shades but also there are two very distinct mounting styles – inside and outside mount.

For many people, an inside mount – where you install the fabric window coverings in the recess of your window – is the preferred option. For others, installing the coverings outside the frame on the ceiling or the wall is a practical choice. So, how do you decide which of these is the best mounting position for you? In this guide, we’ll look at both mounting positions and their benefits to help you make the right decision. Let’s get right into it!

Inside Mount Roman Shades: The Benefits

One of the crucial factors that determine the mounting position of your roman shades is the architectural design and depth of your window and its frame. For inside mounts, you fix the hardware to the ceiling of the window frame and it fits neatly into the recess. Therefore, this fitting is only viable if your window recess is deep enough to accommodate the hardware.

Some of the benefits that come with this type of mounting include:

Custom Charming Look

Whether you choose the luxurious cascading relaxed roman shades or a minimalist flat folds, inside-mounted roman shades always bring an exquisite allure and bespoke quality to your space. When they are precisely tailored to snugly fit in the window frame, they deliver a streamlined, chic look.

With this type of mount, you get a highly customized look with your window treatments, giving your space a special character that no other window coverings can deliver.

Better Insulation

For a start, inside-mounted roman shades are installed in the recess of the window frame. That means they are closer to the window panes. Therefore, they offer more insulation for optimal temperature control.

If your windows are facing the west, where they are exposed to the heat of the scorching sun, installing your romans shades inside will help to control the light and temperature.

Highlight the Beauty of the Ornate Moldings

Inside-mounted custom roman shades give an unobstructed view of the window trims and frame. This highlights the beauty of your ornate moldings and lets you show off the unique architectural design of your space.

Allow Layering with Curtains

We all want to eat our cakes and have them, even when it comes to window coverings. Well, the good news is that this is possible. You can get the flawless, luxurious picture-perfect look that custom drapes deliver without sacrificing your roman shades.

When you install custom roman shades inside the window frame, you can easily layer with curtains outside the frame to deliver better light and sound control with a touch of luxury.

Minimalist Look

Minimalist decor style is very much in vogue in the present days and inside mount roman shades are the best window treatments for this decor style. Being mounted within the window recess, these do not take up any space or have billowing fabric. They are neatly fitted and are uniquely suited for small rooms, quite notably helping in making the smaller rooms look bigger with their neat and sleek style.

Minimalist Look

Outside Mount Roman Shades: The Benefits

Of course, outside mount roman shades also have their charms and advantages. It is sometimes the most ideal mounting position. Outside mount roman shades are installed directly on the walls or ceiling outside the window frame.

That means if your window frames are not deep enough to accommodate the hardware for inside-mounted roman shades, an outside mount is the best option. Now, let’s look at some of the benefits.

More Sunshine and Light in your Space

If you love having the warmth and natural light that the sun brings, you should consider mounting your roman shades outside. This mounting style lets you maximize sunlight in your space when you install the shades a few inches over the frame, allowing them to completely clear the window when they are folded up.

To let in the sunshine and light, simply fold the shades up completely. Outside mount is also the best choice if you have a beautiful landscape worth showing off behind your window.

No Worry about Precision in Measuring

Unlike inside mount roman shades, you don’t have to worry about precision in measurements when mounting your shades outside the frame.  Whether you use precise measurements or not, you will still get a nice installation. So if precision is not your thing, then choose this mounting style.

Give Illusion of Larger Window Size

While small windows can look beautiful, it can be tricky to pick the right window treatments for smaller windows. Installing drapes on them can overwhelm them while inside mounted shades will block a significant space even when folded up.  space. That is why many opt to mount their custom roman shades outside a small window.

By mounting the shades a few inches above the frame, you can create an illusion of a larger window size. This tricks the mind into thinking that the starting point of the window at the top is higher than it actually is.

Final Thoughts

We’ve looked at the benefits of both mounting styles of custom roman shades. In addition to all these, some specific scenarios also determine the mounting styles that will work best for your window coverings.

For example, if you have damaged or old window trim, outside mounting will help cover the trim and frame completely. On the other hand, if you desire to layer up your window treatment with drapery, your best choice would be inside-mounted roman shades.

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