Internet safety rules for children and adults

Internet safety rules

Last Updated on July 21, 2024 by Ali Hamza

Parents need to remember how to make the Internet a safe and educational tool for their children to protect them from negative information and various risks. Denials and bans can’t fight computer addiction and the troubles that await children on the Internet. Remember that the web has both great risks and a lot of useful information and knowledge. That’s why every parent should know about certain filters. They make it possible to keep children safe online. In this article, we’ll discuss internet safety rules for children and adults.

Be careful with suspicious sites 

Don’t enter unfamiliar websites, don’t click on suspicious links, and don’t respond to spam. If you receive a Word or Excel file by email even from someone you know, be sure to scan it for viruses before opening it. Unfamiliar sites are often used by hackers to collect information and use it later for bad purposes. 

To avoid leaving “traces” in such cases, it is better to use proxy servers. You can buy a UK socks proxy on at a bargain price to secure the Internet for yourself and your children.

Don’t trust anyone

Never send your password to anyone. Try to use a hard-to-remember set of numbers and letters for your passwords and change them from time to time. When communicating on the Internet, do not share your personal data but use a pseudonym (a nickname). It is better to choose a nickname that does not identify your gender and age (do not make the year of your birth part of your virtual nickname). Never share information about yourself indicating that you are a child.

Remember that standards of behavior and moral principles are the same in the virtual world as they are in the real world. You should behave in the virtual world the same as in reality, i.e. don’t be rude, profane, or insulting to others.

Filter the information 

Don’t believe everything you see or read on the Internet. If you are not sure about the veracity of any information, ask for advice from adults. Teach your child to be selective with information on the Internet and to always check it.

Keep anonymity

Don’t tell other users your personal information, such as your address, phone number, school number, favourite places to play, your location, plans for long trips and vacations, photos of expensive things, photos of your apartment, car, or house, information about personal documents, car numbers, photos of personal documents and bank cards, etc. Don’t send photos to people you don’t know. Don’t let strangers see your personal photos.

Keep important data safe

Don’t save important data on a public computer. Tell your child that if they use someone else’s computer, tablet, or smartphone to view their social network page, they should always log out of the account when the work is finished. Do not save passwords on other people’s devices as they can be used by intruders.

How To Keep Kids Safe Online

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