Overcoming The Major Data Challenges Amid A Digital Race For Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration

Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by


There has been a large-scale migration of companies to the environs of the cloud and this migration is inevitable given the pace at which cloud services are growing. As such, this calls for a greater kind of flexibility and scalability for the cloud environment at a very low cost. The management and efficiency need to be taken into account as well because any delay or latency will pave the way for cyber-attacks which can bring the entire cloud architecture to a halt.

The expansion of data streams

The covid-19 pandemic has proved to be a strong barricade in the growth of digital companies and cyber assets. As such, more than three fourth of the companies have chosen the path of cloud migration and it is predicted that this race of migration will grow by more than 90% by 2025. This means that by the end of 2025, not only 90% of the organizations will have migrated to the cloud environs but will be ready to deliver cloud services and host and co-locate services. As per the available statistics, it needs to be noted that more than two-thirds of the organizations have already familiarized themselves with cloud based services and are ready for migration in the coming times.

Overcoming the major data challenges

As cloud-based services and cloud migration are growing, various organizations are facing different regulatory requirements. This has been one of the most formidable challenges for organizations to counter and has kept companies away from the migration process for quite some time. Consequently, more than half of the companies facing difficulty in regulatory requirements are confronted with great hurdles before migrating the applications and data to the cloud environments. Another major challenge that companies are facing in the current times is related to data privacy, security, and management. The issue of data privacy has been extremely important given the sensitivity of data in the present times. When we look at the statistics of the above issues, we find that 30% of the organizations are shying away from migration due to security concerns. Almost 35% are reluctant to migrate due to cost issues and 21% are having concerns with compatibility. Approximately 19 % are facing issues due to a lack of multi-cloud offerings.

The protection of cloud data

Protection of cloud data is extremely important as strategic data resources are slowly shifting their base to the cloud. In addition to this, the classification of cloud data into strategic and sensitive data sets is important for providing additional security barriers. The protection of cloud data can be channelized through steps like distinguishing files, analysis, insights, and data intelligence. Other suitable options that are available before us include advanced security applications and data inventories.

Concluding remarks

For effective migration to a cloud-based environment, two important factors need to be considered. The first is the reduction of the risk and the second is the implementation of governance norms. These two factors can lead to a great improvement in data privacy and fill the lacuna in our security infrastructure.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Should you have a Cloud for your Company or not? then visit our Technology category.