How To Score 160+ In the SSC Stenographer Exam? Which Are the Best Books to Prepare for The SSC Stenographer Exam?

How To Score 160+ In the SSC Stenographer Exam?

Last Updated on November 24, 2022 by

The Staff Selection Commission holds the stenographer exam for recruiting candidates under Group C and D. The exam has two stages – written test and skill test. Here, you will find some helpful tips to crack the SSC stenographer exam, along with a list of books you can refer to while preparing for it.

Let’s look at the exam pattern first

The SSC Steno exam pattern consists of 200 questions in the written test, distributed across three sections – (i) General Awareness, (ii) General Intelligence and Reasoning, (iii) English Language and Comprehension. The written exam will also include a typing or stenography test, where candidates must type at 100 words per minute to qualify for the Grade C post and 80 words per minute to be eligible for vacancies under the Grade D position. 

Tips for preparation

Aspirants must be abreast with current affairs and have a good grasp of the English language, particularly grammar and spelling. Additionally, they must also be able to type at a speed of 100 words per minute. Another area where they may need improvement is logic and reasoning. One very important exercise is to read newspapers every day. 

You can also visit websites like BYJU’s Exam Prep to access all the necessary resources.

Create a Study Plan and Strategy

Make a study plan and strategy according to the syllabus. It is better to start with individual topics and move on to areas like logical reasoning, where a lot of practice is necessary. 

Be Clear with the Concepts

The aspirant must have a thorough understanding of all concepts to come out on top. They must clear all doubts in both the verbal and non-verbal sections.

Improve Logical and Reasoning Abilities 

One area where more focus is needed is logical and reasoning ability. Good analytical and reasoning skills are necessary to crack the exam.

Attempt Mock Tests and Quizzes 

The aspirants can hope to come out on top only through sheer practice. For such exams, it is important to keep attempting as many tests and quizzes as possible available at BYJU’s Exam Prep. It will help the aspirants in assessing their knowledge and help them speed up.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses 

Practising with the help of mock tests and quizzes alone won’t cut it, and aspirants must also analyse their strengths and weaknesses. They must figure out those topics in which they are weak and work to get better at them.

Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

The aspirants must also solve SSC Steno question papers from previous years to get well-acquainted with the exam pattern. This will help in developing better strategies. 

Recommended SSC Stenographer Books 

To crack the SSC stenographer exam, candidates may also refer to some books as part of their preparation. Here are some widely recommended books for each section: 

Quantitative Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal, Quicker Mathematics By M

English: English Grammar by Wren and Martin, Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis,        Essential English Grammar by Raymond Murphy, Objective General English by S P Bakshi

Logical Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal, Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey

General Awareness: Lucent General Knowledge, Newspapers and Magazines

Final Thoughts

Managing time efficiently is also very important. So, when attempting mock tests or the previous years’ question papers, the aspirant must figure out the time taken to complete each section to know their speed and accuracy.

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