The 5 Most Common Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Cases
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Last Updated on June 28, 2023 by

About 35.5 million Americans visit physicians every year for unintentional injuries. What’s more, the mortality rate arising from these injuries is 52.7 deaths per 100,000 population. This makes about 173,040 deaths per year, putting personal injuries at position 3 in the cause of death rank. Injuries sustained from accidents can lead to personal injury cases. But what is a personal injury case? Also known as torts, a personal injury case is a legal dispute where the victim seeks indemnification for the damages caused to them.

To get compensated, your attorney must prove negligence on the party responsible for the accident. The victim must also suffer direct loss or harm. It can be physically or financially.

Here is a quick guide to personal injury claims, including the types of cases that can attract compensation.

1. Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Cases

Patients can die or sustain severe injuries due to the negligence of a healthcare facility or the medical personnel treating them. Injuries from medical malpractice can be due to misdiagnosis, pharmacy errors, surgical errors, or general improper treatment.

However, the cases are difficult to prove. You’ll need to hire an experienced attorney with an aggressive approach to legal action. If you also lost a loved one due to medical negligence, attorneys can help you get compensation for the wrongful death.

2. Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents make the bigger chunk of personal injury cases in the U.S. In 2020 alone, we had 42,060 casualties of motor vehicle accidents. In the first quarter of 2021, the number stood at 21,450.

You can file a personal injury claim from motor vehicle accidents as a passenger, driver, cyclist, or pedestrian. The compensation from this claim will go a long way in paying for lost income due to incapacitation.

3. Products Liability

Consumers can sustain serious injuries from defective products such as foods, cosmetics, vehicle spare parts, and medical devices. Sometimes the manufacturer supplies spoilt goods knowingly or fails to disclose all the ingredients.

For medical devices and spare parts, victims can sustain injuries if the manufacturer gives improper warns or insufficient instructions in the user guide. Proving products liability requires an experienced attorney.

Before contacting the manufacturer or the relevant government agency, contact your attorney for personal injury claims advice. The attorney will also tell you what to do next after reporting the incident.

4. Work Accidents

Various accidents can happen at workplaces. Sometimes a worker can also get killed by poisonous gases or cutting machines. Other injuries may include long-term exposure to harmful radioactive elements.

Different states have varying approaches to work accidents personal injury cases. For instance, you may need to file a claim under the state’s Worker’s Compensation Act instead of facing it directly with the employer.

5. Premises Liability

Business owners are responsible for the safety of everyone on their premises, including customers. Premises liability personal injury cases can happen in any business environment, including commercial buildings, grocery stores, and gas stations.

Accidents that victims can experience in business premises include falls, slips, dog bites, or even explosions. You can make a case on falls and slips if the premises owner fails to issue sufficient warning about the condition of the walkways or missing handrails on a staircase.

Hire the Right Attorney for Your Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury cases will only lead to compensation if you can prove negligence. That’s why it’s imperative to hire an experienced attorney who can present evidence and cross-examine any witnesses involved. The success of your case relies on this attorney.

Read other articles on this site to get expert personal injury claims advice on how to build a winning case.

Read More: 7 Tips on How to Find the Best Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Personal Injury Lawyer for your Claim then visit our Law category.