The Pillars of Digital Communication Digital pr, Press Office and Online Media Relations

digital communication

Last Updated on September 5, 2021 by

We live in a historical era in which the internet has now assumed a leading role for everything related to SEO Services, Digital marketing, digital communication and information. Behind these three activities, there are professionals who are constantly dedicated to perfecting strategies that can improve the reputation of a brand or a portal. They also aim to disseminate useful and quality information that will then be relaunched by authoritative sites, as well as to develop human relationships that will then serve to support the loyalty process.

To optimize conversions, thus maximizing turnover, it is important to know the characteristics of the three pillars of modern communication. We are talking about digital PR, press office and online media relations. Let us, therefore, clarify these aspects, which are in constant dialogue with each other. Their goal is to push traffic prospects and the number of leads up. 

Digital communication with Digital PR

As we have had the opportunity to mention, modern communication today is truly transversal and at 360 degrees since it enjoys the support of the internet, in fact, we speak above all of digital communication.

In the past, those involved in PR could refer mostly to three ‘classic’ channels, namely television, paper newspapers and radio. Today, however, things have changed and the revolution is fully underway. The old newspapers are increasingly being outclassed by digital portals, both for speed and for completeness of the information.

There are also new figures that need to be involved to push communication properly. These are bloggers and influencers but also forum managers and online blog directors or community administrators on social platforms. The number of channels on which it is good to be active is constantly growing and DIY is obviously a chimera. It is necessary to rely on technicians and digital professionals to ensure interesting results and deep performances. 

Press office in digital communication

As far as press office activities are concerned, anyone who deals with similar tasks will have to make an important digital turnaround. Therefore, in addition to the classic press officer skills, he must have his mind turned to online relationships and their development. Yes, because in a modern, fast and virtual world to the nth degree, it is even more important to create quality relationships with influencers, bloggers and above all journalists. Earning the trust of these figures, who are at the center of the online information experience, is essential to achieve your goal, which is to expand the pool of active users.

The management of relationships and human relations comes before any skill in the management of tools and structuring of strategies. This is a valuable aspect and to be implemented as it can make a difference. Together with the ability to make content, conveyed through a press release, interesting and publishable. Those related to writing are important skills: they must go hand in hand with the knowledge of persuasive copywriting and SEO.

Online media relations

That the online media relations very large and full of contamination, which is in a tight league in everything related to the structuring of human relationships and their implementation to achieve targets are a digital industry. For example, the easiest way to approach media publications is to search for their write for us page. Media relations are all activities that are carried forward for the purpose of building relationships, communication and information with reference to the various channels. The declared objective is to convey to them, in the most correct and captivating way possible, a specific message that you want to convey on a large scale and in an authoritative way. Specifically, when referring to online media relations, certain communication styles must be placed at the center well as innovative and digital tools that represent the natural evolution of the old – and more static – channels.

Read More: Why Having a Proper Standard Press Release Format Is Important