Simple Tricks to Keep Your Lawn in Tip-Top Condition

Simple Tricks to Keep Your Lawn in Tip-Top Condition

Last Updated on March 19, 2022 by

There are plenty of ways how you can make your home’s curb appeal attract all the attention of your neighborhood. However, if your lawn is not in pristine condition, all the work you put into the façade will go to waste as people will only talk about how run-down your lawn looks.

Moreover, a lawn is not only beneficial for the aesthetics but it can also help cool your home down, capture various dust and dirt, and produce a significant amount of oxygen, all of which can keep your family healthier.

In case you’ve been struggling to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful but don’t want to go for artificial grass just yet, fret no more. Listed below are some tips that will help you take care of it and turn it into the envy of the neighborhood. Read on.

Test the soil

If you’re been trying and trying to have a green lawn but always failed for some reason, the problem might be with the soil. It could be missing some vital nutrients that can keep the grass alive or it might not have the right pH levels. With that in mind, it’s recommended to have the soil tested. You can order a home kit online and do it yourself or take a sample to a local nursery where experts will do it for you. These tests can show if there is a lack of phosphorus, potassium, or nitrogen – nutrients that help the lawn thrive. Moreover, you will see if the soil is neutral, acidic, or alkaline.

Work on amending the soil

With the soil tested, you will know how to proceed to improve it. For example, if the tests show the soil is lacking nutrients, you can consult with the local nursery experts on which fertilizer might be best to improve its quality. On the other hand, if the pH levels are off, you can take certain steps to adjust them. If you need to make the soil more acidic, adding pulverized lime can help. On the other hand, if you need to lower the pH levels of moderately alkaline soil, you can do it by adding organic material such as peat moss. Soils with high alkaline levels can be amended with sulfur or iron sulfate.

Get the right type of grass

A mistake many people make is opting for the wrong grass. Once you know the type of soil you are working with, you can look into which types of grass can thrive in it. Moreover, some grasses are more likely to succeed in warmer climates while others prefer colder areas. It’s always advisable to stick to a type that is native to your region as it will have the highest chances of doing well.

Aerate properly

Another problem your lawn might be dealing with is compacted soil. When this happens, it means that the roots don’t have enough space to grow. Fortunately, the lawn can easily be aerated. You can do it with a simple garden fork or a gas-powered aerator. Your goal is to create holes by taking out plugs of soil. That way, the roots will have more room while the nutrients, water, and air will have an easier time penetrating the soil. Doing this once or twice a year is enough. Compacted soil is usually caused by foot traffic or use of heavy machinery on the lawn, so minimize these practices to have a tip-top lawn.

Fertilize if necessary

In case the tests show that the soil is perfectly healthy, you might not have to fertilize it much. However, it’s still recommended to feed your lawn regularly but without going overboard as too much nitrogen can burn the grass. Check when your type of grass should be fertilized as different types are fertilized at different times. Even though it depends on the type of grass and your region, you can do it in April, then wait for two to three months before fertilizing again, and doing it again in September to prepare the lawn for the winter. Moreover, it’s also recommended to feed the lawn after you’ve mowed it as then the fertilizer can settle properly.

Learn the best watering practices

For a thriving lawn, you also need to learn the best watering practices. There are several mistakes people make when it comes to watering and you want to do your best to avoid them all. For starters, people often think that a light sprinkle every day is enough to properly water the lawn. This practice only encourages shallow roots and weakened grass. Rather, you want to give your lawn deep and less frequent watering – every three to four days. As lawns require one to two inches of water on a weekly basis, you can use your high-quality Hoselink US soaker hose to provide your lawn with just the right amount of water it needs to develop strong roots. Additionally, a mistake you also want to avoid is watering in the evening and at night. Watering is best done early in the morning as then the lawn can properly absorb all the water, there isn’t too much evaporation, and you are avoiding various diseases from spreading due to too much moisture. If you can’t wake up early in the morning for this chore, you can get a timer that will ensure your lawn gets enough water.

Know how to mow

Besides proper watering practices, you should also master some mowing techniques. For starters, you want to avoid cutting the grass too short as that can damage it, make it more susceptible to disease, and create some space for weeds to pop up. You want to cut no more than a third of its height. While different grasses have different optimal heights, keep it around three inches tall. The next thing you should remember is to never mow wet grass. This practice can damage both the grass and the mower. Moreover, keep the mower blades sharp to prevent hurting the grass. Finally, as there are various mowing patterns, you want to switch things up every now and again to prevent compacted areas and the grass from laying in only one direction.

Keep pests under control

When looking to improve the exterior of your home, you also have to keep pests at bay. From weeds that make the lawn unsightly to chewing insects that attack the grass, it’s vital that you find a way to get rid of them. Whether you will use some organic DIY methods or opt for store-bought pesticides, it’s up to you. You can consult with the people in the local nursery or look online for some help if you’re unsure of the best approach.

Taking care of a lawn can often seem too demanding but if you understand the soil you are working with and choose the right grass, you should not have a problem. Just remember to properly fertilize, water, and mow it.

Visit Milad decoration to get more beautiful decorating ideas.

Read more: How to Get a Green Lawn: The Basics Explained