Top 10 Hot sell mesh produce bag in 2021

Top 10 Hot sell mesh produce bag in 2021

Last Updated on July 29, 2022 by rida

A mash bag is also called a string bag, net bag, or mesh bag. It is an open netted bag that is used for various purposes. These mesh bags wholesale is made up of non-woven synthetic material in a net-like structure. Mash bags, vegetable net bags wholesale, and Onion Mesh bags wholesale are used as reusable shopping sacks for packaging purposes.

Types of Mesh bags:

Reusable produce bags, mesh produce bag, net bags for produce, best reusable produce bags, reusable fruit and veg bags, reusable mesh produce bags, cotton make bags, mesh fruit bags, cotton mesh bags, net bags for fruit, net bags for vegetables, mesh bags for vegetables, reusable produce bags, mesh produce bag

 10 lb. Mesh Onion Bags

This mesh produce bag helps you store onion to take the market to sell. These bags are made up of small mesh with a strong woven mesh drawstring. 

These meshes produce a 12″ wide x 18″ bag tall for the 10lb. And 15″ wide x 25″ tall for the 25lb.

25 lb. Mesh Onion Bags

These meshes produce bags are strongly woven mesh drawstring and farm-fresh onions logo on the front. 

These bags measure 12″ wide x 18″ tall for the 10lb. And 15″ wide x 25″ tall for the 25lb.

Banded Mesh Bags 11″ X 18″

These meshes produce bags used for multi-purposes around the home and farm. 

These bags are best for selling firewood, small amounts of hay or straw, and many different types of produce. These bags measure 18″ tall and 11″ wide.

Banded Mesh Bags 18″ X 30″

Like all other bags, these branded bags are also used for home and farm purposes. These meshes produce bags that measure 30″ tall and 18″ wide.

 They are great for;

  1.  selling firewood, 
  2. small amounts of hay or straw,
  3.  and many different types of produce.

Banded Mesh Bags 20″ X 24″

Like all other bags, these branded bags are also used for home and farm purposes.

They are great for;

  1. selling firewood, 
  2. small amounts of hay or straw,
  3. and many different types of produce.

These bags measure 20″ tall and 24″ wide.

Banded Mesh Bags 24″ X 16″

Like all other bags, these branded bags are also used for home and farm purposes.

They are great for;

  1. selling firewood, 
  2. small amounts of hay or straw,
  3. and many different types of produce.

These meshes produce bags that measure 16″ tall and 24″ wide.

Burlap Bags

Like all other bags, these branded bags are also used for home and farm purposes.

They are great for;

  1. selling firewood, 
  2. small amounts of hay or straw,
  3. and many different types of produce.

These meshes produce bags that measure 24″ wide x 39.5″ tall.

Clear Extra Large Grab’ n Go Bags

In this digital world, we have multiple bright things that help daily.

These Grab n Go bags are the best ultimate for customers at your farmer’s market or farm stand. These bags are used to store vegetables and fruit, and meal combos.

These bags provide the best support to stand and offer;

  1. reinforced handle, 
  2. holes for ventilation, 
  3. Re-saleable zipper, 
  4. and a center area for labeling, pricing, or recipes.

These reusable produce bags, net bags for produce measure Bag Measurements of Extra Large size: 14.4″ W x 11″ H, holds approx. 6pk of pepper or tomatoes.

Clear Large Grab’ n Go Bags

In this digital world, we have multiple bright things that help daily.

These Grab n Go bags are the best ultimate for customers at your farmer’s market or farm stand. These bags are used to store vegetables and fruit, and meal combos.

These net bags for vegetables, reusable fruit, and veg bags measurements of Large size: 10.5″ W x 11″ H, holds approx. 2 lb.

Clear Medium Grab’ n Go Bags

In this digital world, we have multiple bright things that help daily.

These Grab n Go bags are the best ultimate for customers at your farmer’s market or farm stand. These meshes produce bags used to store vegetables and fruit and meal combos.

These garlics bags provide the best support to stand and offer;

  1. reinforced handle, 
  2. holes for ventilation, 
  3. re-saleable zipper, 
  4. and a center area for labeling, pricing, or recipes.

These reusable produce bags measurements of Medium size: 9.1″ W x 9.6″ H, hold approx. 1 lb.

Read More: Here Are 10 Tips To Make Your Bag Art More Reusable