2D Artists And Their Specialties


Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Game industry – a large-scale creative workshop. It employs a huge number of specialists: concept artists, animators, illustrators, graphic designers. The list of professions available for development in this area can be continued infinitely.

Why in the industry so many people, and what are they all doing? The question is serious and especially interesting for those who want to become part of this creative world and plunge into the process of working on steep projects.

In this article we will introduce you to 2D specialties: professionals working in this direction laid the foundation in any game project.

What are the concept artists?

Everything starts with the concept art – with the creation of the design. Whether it is a character, location or a whole game, you first need to decide on how it will look like. Present an image in my head and see it with your own eyes – there is a big difference between these things. So the grenadier-giant in a protective suit seems a good idea, but embodying it on paper, the team of artists Blizzard decided to abandon her to add the character of individuality. To do this, it was decided to remove the helmet, then reduce the number of armor, and as a result, the Junkrat was already familiar to us.

At the same time, ideas about the concept art are greatly distorted, because all official concepts for games are designed to create noise. Very often what we see in artbooks is more like promotional art than a real concept. As a result, these images set unrealistic standards of work on the concept and scare off beginners.

There is no deep detail in the concept art: it is an outline, and not finished drawings. But in it there is always a variability – we are looking for a design, we are looking for a suitable form. And before finally creating a perfect design, the concept of the artist reworks a bunch of dirty work. And, of course, it does not put it at the bottom.

Constructors have no months for the competent drawing of all invented options. His task is to effectively convey the idea and spend a minimum of time. Therefore, the photographs are going to move, outlines 3D models, “shapes” (filled with one color shapes that can be combined to pick up the composition), and other techniques.

If you lack skills or just need help – you can get 2d art services by Whimsygames.

And then what are the illustrators do?

Promo Art, unlike the concept, is clear, polished, and created in the late stages of production, when the whole design is already approved.

They are engaged in illustrators. Also, they create all static images: boot screens, covers, advertising posters, postcards. All that we then buy and carefully keep on your shelves.

There are a huge number of tasks from illustrators, and therefore they need to be divided literally in everything: anatomy, perspective, composition, color, design, detailed render. Their ultimate goal is to attract your attention and tell the story. Agree, the task is not simple.

What about 2D animators?

Now in the gaming industry, classical 2D animation is rare, because it is created, drawing frames consistently and overlapping them one on top of another. This method is more suitable for creating cristes and animation. But even there, the studio is using 3D opportunities to speed up the work and should be reduced.

Who are UX / UI artists?

While working on locations and characters, UX / UI artists create an interface. The basic principles are here two: convenience and imperceptibility. The player should not be distracted from the gameplay on a bunch of windows and messages, and he should be intuitively clear about what to do in any offered situation.

Moreover, their task is to make processes in the game are really intriguing and realistic. So, in Mirror’s edge, when you pick up weapons, you do not have a cartridge counter, because you can’t know how many are in the store. And in Dead Space developers it was important to show the player the health scale, and they organically fell it into the world of the game, displaying it on a protective suit. Thanks to this, you stay immersed in the game process and do not miss the information important for gameplay.


In some studios (especially in low-budget projects), artists who are engaged in all are working: draw icons, adapt concepts for the game and so on. Chart for the first The Banner Saga completely painted one person – Ernie Jorgensen. True, from his words, after that he almost died, and they had to hire an additional artist for the second part. And the third game studio, following the new tradition, was replenished with another artist.

Above many games, especially in large studios, a big team really works. The process of creating them is integrated, and therefore, to obtain a truly strong result, the experience of a considerable number of specialists is needed. But this does not always happen – it happens that the game creates one or two people. In any case, novice artists should not be afraid: confidence comes with experience and practice.

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