Why Do Baby Turning Head Side To Side? – Tips and Tricks For Moms

Why Do Baby Turning Head Side To Side? - Tips and Tricks For Moms

Last Updated on October 10, 2022 by

Why does my infant move his head side to side? Exactly why does this happen so frequently? When they’re on your lap, why do they shake their heads back and forth? Why is this not a problem for them? Even if they are too young to grasp the language, babies may still be conversed with. Occasionally, they’ll even get back to you! Why do these cute tiny ones move their heads so vigorously? That’s what you’re going to find out!

As to why babies shake their heads from side-to-side, here’s what we know so far:

Babies grow rapidly in the first year of life. Fundamental to every child’s growth and development is the acquisition of fine and gross motor abilities. Gross motor abilities refer to a child’s ability to use their larger muscles and limbs to move around and interact with the environment around them. Because of this, all they can do is shake their heads back and forth.


Most newborns can sit up, roll over, reach for objects, and probe them with their hands and tongues by the time they are 7 months old. Even while it may be a little unnerving to see your baby begin to shake his or her head, it is most likely due to the following causes.


Baby shakes head side to side may be testing out different ways of moving and operating their body. Why don’t you shake your head for a minute and see how your brain reacts? This is why newborns react and experiment with their newfound range of mobility.


Does shaking one’s head generate a good reaction from others? Some people do strange things in order to get your attention. In an attempt to alleviate their discomfort, some babies lift their heads to no avail as they begin to feel sleepy.

You’ve undoubtedly shaken your head at your youngster for imitating you. Perhaps they’re simply mimicking your approach. Adults shake their heads to say “no” just as newborns do, and they’ll get the hang of it as they get older.

Babies who are tired may shake their heads, which may lead to dizziness and, as a result, make it easier to get them to sleep at night.

Your baby may be trying to tell you about an ear infection, which is most frequent in children under the age of three.

You may have shaken your head in disbelief at your baby’s first few attempts at breastfeeding. As your baby attempts to latch on, his or her head will jerk back and forth. They may get enthusiastic as they nurse. As a way to show that they’ve eaten enough food, a newborn may shake their head after they’ve finished their meal.

There is a very low chance of autism developing in a neonate with just head-shaking symptoms. Babies with autism have additional traits, such as trouble making eye contact with caregivers and being inattentive to their names when called. They may also repeatedly smash their heads on the crib or the wall.

To keep your youngster from shaking their head, follow these steps:

Pay attention: Do not answer if your youngster shakes his or her head. Even if it’s cute, put your phone away and try not to laugh. If your child is shaking his or her head to get your attention, any answer might give them a boost of energy.

Keep note of how long it takes your baby to turn their head from one side to the other. Identifying and addressing the underlying reasons of shaking during nursing or before going to bed may help. If your baby is putting himself to sleep by calming himself, you may want to explore other options for helping him do so.

Create a calm environment for your baby if they are wailing or pacing because of stress or worry. Rock them gently in a peaceful location. Gently cradle their head with one of your hands to help them relax.

Do you know how to give a baby a massage? Get some baby lotion or oil and try some of the strategies in the video below to relax your baby’s muscles. The head and neck may be relaxed in a variety of ways.

Consult a medical professional: If your child’s head shaking is excessive or if there are any other signs of concern, such as developmental delays, contact your doctor right once. In the long run, early discovery of problems or confirmation that your child is healthy may help both you and your infant.

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