Would You Like To Know All the Exciting Facts About Banishment 5e?

banishment 5e

Last Updated on December 14, 2022 by admin


Banishment is an incredibly powerful spell that allows you to banish a creature or group of creatures from the Material Plane. You can banish something as small as a rat or even a god! You must be careful, though, because if you get banished, you have just been replaced with something better in its place. This powerful spell is great for rooting out necromancers and evil wizards who seek to exploit and destroy the world. In this article, you will get detailed information about Banishment 5e, spells, features, classes, and rewards provided at different levels of games. The players are given rigorous mental and physical training to fight enemies and evil powers in the game.

Spells in Banishment 5e

The best spells in Banishment 5e include:

  • The level 4 abjuration is a unique spell of Banishment 5e.
  • Another spell of Banishment 5e is casting time which is approximately one action.
  • Another spell of Banishment 5e is the range that is approximately 60 feet.
  • Different components of Banishment 5e are V, S, and M.
  • The duration of concentration in Banishment 5e is up to 1 minute.

Various classes in Banishment 5e

Various classes in Banishment 5e are:

  • Paladin
  • Cleric
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard

Features of class in Banishment 5e

Features of class in Banishment 5e

The features of the class in Banishment 5e include:

  • The main feature of the class is hit points.
  • Another feature of the class is proficiencies.
  • Another feature of the class is equipment.


  • Hit dice: you get 1d10 per banisher level
  • Hitpoints at level 1st: you get +10 constitution modifiers.
  • Hitpoints at higher levels: you get 1d10, +6 constitution modifier per level.


You get various armor including:

  • Light armor
  • Medium armor
  • Shields
  • You get different weapons,, including:
  • Simple weapons
  • Martial weapons

You also get different saving throws,, including:

  • Wisdom
  • Constitution

You also get different skills,, including:

  • History
  • Insight
  • Investigation
  • Choose two from arcane
  • Perception
  • Acrobatics.
  • Survival

You also get different tools.

  • Equipment

You are offered different equipment in the game, including:

  • Studded leather armor
  • Chan mail
  • A martial weapon
  • A simple weapon
  • Two daggers
  • A short sword
  • An explorer’s pack

Rewards achieved at different levels in Banishment 5e

Rewards achieved at different levels in Banishment 5e
  • When you are at level 1st, you get a +2 bonus, 3 banishment points, and a fighting style feature.
  • When you are at level 2nd, you get +2 bonus, 4 banishment points, and a secondary banishment feature.
  • When you are at level 3rd, you get +2 bonus, 5 banishment points, and an order sect feature.
  • When you are at level 4th, you get +2 bonus, 6 banishment points, and an improvement of the score ability feature.
  • When you are at level 5th, you get +3 bonus, 7 banishment points, and a duration banishment feature.
  • When you are at level 6th, you get +3 bonus, 8 banishment points, and a friendly banishment feature.
  • When you are at level 7th, you get +3 bonus, 9 banishment points, and a sect feature.
  • When you are at level 8th, you get +3 bonus, 10 banishment points, and an improvement of the ability score feature.
  • When you are at level 9th, you get +4 bonus, 11 banishment points, and a chain banishment feature.
  • When you are at level 10th, you get +4 bonus, 12 banishment points, and basic banishment area features.
  • When you are at level 11th, you get +4 bonus, 13 banishment points, and a sect feature.
  • When you are at the 12th level, you get +4 bonus, 14 banishment points, and an improvement of the ability score feature.
  • When you are at level 13th, you get +5 bonus, 15 banishment points, and exotic banishment area features.
  • When you are at level 14th, you get +5 bonus, 16 banishment points, and a meditation feature.
  • When you are at level 15th, you get +5 bonus, 17 banishment points, and a sect feature,
  • When you are at level 16th, you get +6 bonus, 18 banishment points, and an improvement of the ability score feature.
  • When you are at level 17th, you get +6 bonus, 19 banishment points, and a reactive banishment feature.
  • When you are at level 18th, you get +6 bonus, 20 banishment points, and a sect feature.
  • When you are at level 19th, you get +6 bonus, 21 banishment points, and an improvement of the ability score feature.
  • When you are at level 20th, you get +6 bonus, 22 banishment points, and a banishment to-death feature.

You are offered a lot of fighting styles in the game. You can take only one fighting style throughout the game. You do not have the option to change your fighting style at any level. Different fighting styles include:

Fighting styles in Banishment 5e

  • The main fighting style is dueling.
  • Another fighting style is excellent weapon fighting.
  • Another fighting style is two-weapon fighting.
  • Another fighting style is interception.


You get +2 bonus when you are welding a damaged weapon in one hand.

Great weapon fighting

If you want to avail of this benefit, you must have versatile and two-handed weapons properties.

Two weapons fighting

You can use the modifier ability to overcome the second attack when you have two-handed weapons.


When a creature you can see hits a target other than you, you can use your reaction to banish them. You must be wielding a shield or a weapon to use this reaction.

Features in Banishment 5e

Different features offered in Banishment 5e include:

  • The first feature is the Order sect.
  • The second feature is Double Banishment.
  • The third feature is Friendly Banishment.
  • The fourth feature is Reflect Banishment.
  • The fifth feature is Chain banishment.
  • The sixth feature is Banishment areas.
  • The seventh feature is the Extra attack.
  • The eighth feature iMeditationon.
  • The ninth feature is Reactive Banishment.
  • The tenth feature is Mass Banishment.
  • The eleventh feature is the Ability score increase.
  • The twelfth feature is multi-classing.

What makes banishment a good 5e move?

  • The Banishment feature allows players to split combat scenes into two sections. Wizards and clerics banished their toughest enemies in part one so that their party could gang up on the outnumbered mooks. Part two of the story shows the banished beings reentering reality and being ambushed.

Order sect

You can choose a sect according to your choice at levels 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th.

Double Banishment

You are offered this feature when you are at level 5th. You can damage your target without touching it by choosing this feature.

Friendly Banishment

You can damage a target with half of the required banishment points at level 6th.

Reflect Banishment

This feature is given at level 7th. If something tries to banish you, it will banish you instead.

Chain banishment

You can banish more than one target with this feature. It is given at level 9th.

Banishment areas

This feature is offered at the 10th level to banish the areas of different targets at a time.

Extra attack

You avail of extra attacks at level 11th.


You can regain all your banishment points througMeditationon at level 13th.

Reactive Banishment

This feature is offered at the 17th level.

Mass Banishment

You can damage any target within a radius of 10 feet. This feature is given at the 18th level.

Banishment to death

This feature is available at the 20th level. You can damage any target with 150HP.

Ability score increase

You can increase your score abilities at levels 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th.


You are given 13+ dexterity and 12+ wisdom in this feature.


In this article, we have discussed Banishment 5e spells, classes, features, and rewards in detail. Also, info about various bonuses, banishment points, and features at each level. Cleric, Wizard, and Warlock are different classes of Banishment 5e.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about Forge Cleric 5e then visit our world category.


Mention the best material components in Banishment.

Holy fire
Cold iron

Mention the creatures that can be banished in the game.

Marliths can be banished in the game.
Dretches can be banished in the game.
Quazits can be banished in the game.
Devils can be banished from the game.