What to Consider When Choosing a Call Center Software

What to Consider When Choosing a Call Center Software

Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

A Complicated Proposition

Call center software is absolutely integral to smooth operations overall. However, there are different sorts of software you’ll need for different areas of operation. For example, you want to keep track of the “agents” or “staff” (depending on their role) you have on the phones from day-to-day.

If you’re an inbound call center, you want to be sure salespeople are making conversions. If you’re an outbound call center, you want to make sure they’re not just going down the list.

Quality Assurance (QA) software is necessary to record and manage phone calls for periodic review, you’ll need real-time monitoring software, and the list goes on. Here we’ll briefly explore a few notable solutions in software to help you design and effectively manage a strong call center.


One of the most important things with any call center software is scalability. Often you’ll be working on the account of a major client, and they’ll offer you an antiquated solution owing to the cost it would take for them to upgrade. Alternatively, some software may only function through either the cloud, or a more robust server array your business doesn’t have yet.

Either way you slice it, you need to plan for the future. Three years will go by in the blink of an eye; especially if operations are running smoothly. Meanwhile, technology hardware tends to have a lifespan between three and five years; at least if you want to stay up-to-date on everything.

Whatever software solutions you ultimately secure need to be of a kind you can upgrade when necessary without totally inhibiting the ability of your call center to perform. Many call centers need to be available as much as possible.

If you can’t upgrade the software over a weekend, you may want to plan so you can shift software solutions to something more scalable in the very near future. Cloud computing and IoT are clearly changing the game here, so work with consultants to see which of these options may best help your call center.

Automated Software Solutions

RPA refers to Robotic Process Automation. Finding the right RPA Software is absolutely paramount for any call center. You’re going to have a thick “trunk” line full of all sorts of callers that sometimes know what they want and sometimes have no idea. But managing trunk lines isn’t the only possible application of RPA tech.

Throughout any call center, there are quite a few different digital tasks that, simply put, don’t require a human. A piece of software will do some jobs much better, save time, and save your company money. Why pay someone $24k to $50k a year when you can buy software for a few hundred or a few thousand dollars that does a better job and requires no benefits?

Granted, you can’t replace salespeople, and if you don’t have humans handling customer service, you’re going to see a drop in customer satisfaction. People can’t stand interacting with digitized robots when they call a place. However, you can provide them better service if such robots direct telephony “traffic” to the right departments.

There’s a tradeoff to consider here. Ultimately, how in-depth RPA software automation is will depend on your business. That said, it’s hard to think of any call center anywhere that wouldn’t benefit in one way or another from this innovative tech solution. When you can automate, even a small call center might be able to handle corporate-level traffic.

Automated Software Solutions

Finding the Best Software Solutions for Your Call Center
RPA options save time and money, QA solutions are quite important, and scalability is paramount. Call centers are often active around the clock, and you need something that’s flexible so you’re not holding on the line with customers for an inordinate amount of time. Work with consultants to determine which options are best for your call center. 

Read more: Call Center Outsourcing:  Tips On What To Look For