1862 data leaks, how to ensure your data security?

1862 data leaks, how to ensure your data security?

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

According to the Identity Theft Resource Center’s (ITRC) 2021 data breach report, a total of 1862 global data breaches were detected in 2021, surpassing the previous high of 1108 in 2020.

The number of data breaches, according to EVA Velasquez, President and CEO of ITRC “Data breaches in 2022 may continue this trend,” he wrote. To secure their own and others’ data security, everyone must practice a good network environment “..

The addresses of over 500000 entities, including a national defense installation, a missile maintenance unit, and several domestic violence shelters, were mistakenly released in the first major breach of the huge epidemic prevention security QR code data of the New South Wales Government.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, these addresses were discovered on a data website in New South Wales last September by skeeve Stevens, a security and intelligence technology expert. When businesses and organizations use the Covid safe QR code to gather information about their employees and customers, they are collected by the NSW customer service department.

As we move into the digital economy, the consequences of data leakage are becoming increasingly serious. Data leakage on enterprise websites may jeopardize the security of enterprise systems and crucial data, resulting in significant losses.

Enterprises should increase network security protection and fundamentally strengthen network and data transmission security to ensure enterprise data security. In today’s digital environment, data is becoming a powerful economic engine. Enterprises face a significant difficulty in ensuring data protection and security, particularly when dealing with user sensitive private information.

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