Eating Out as A Vegan – 5 Great Tips

Eating Out as A Vegan – 5 Great Tips

Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

It used to be almost impossible to eat out as a vegan as there were hardly any options available, let alone any choice.  This has changed over the past few years as the vegan market has exploded and there is now much more choice when it comes to eating out as a vegan.  You do still have to choose your location and options carefully, but at least these days you do have options.  If you are a vegan who enjoys eating out, here are 5 great tips about how to choose your food. If you are a vegan who enjoys eating out, here are 5 great tips about how to choose your vegan food in Bangkok.

Plan Ahead

If you are not sure what the menu for a restaurant is going to be like, then look it up online before you go. That way you will have an idea of the vegan selection available, and this gives you a better understanding of what to order when you get there. 

If you don’t like the look of anything on the menu don’t be afraid to call ahead and discuss meal options.  The manager will be much happier to do this than have you cancel your reservation because you can’t find anything to eat so think you are putting them out by doing this. 

Chain Restaurants

Chain restaurants are your friend.  It means that you only have to consult the menu or the manager once and you know what you can eat across the country.  For example, there are some great vegan-friendly chain restaurants in Chicago, Colorado, and California so look up veggie burgers near me from Native Foods to find your nearest. 

Vegan Menu

If you can’t find many vegan options on the menu, then ask if they have a separate vegan menu.  Many restaurants have additional menus that the server might have forgotten to bring out.  Another good place to look for vegan options is often the specials, so make sure you ask so that you know what all your choices are.

Side Orders and Starters

Look at the whole menu before you make your selection.  Many restaurants only have a couple of vegan dishes in the main part of the menu, but you might find that the side dishes and starters give you a lot more choice.  You could ask your server to make a starter into a main for you by making the portion larger or order a couple of side dishes if you are feeling hungry.  

Order Off-Menu

Many people think that it is impolite to ask for something that isn’t on the menu and that this is best left for Hollywood Celebrities and Prima Donnas.  However, chefs are often quite happy to cater to off-menu food requirements and it is becoming more common these days due to veganism and allergies.  They would prefer to cook something just for you than have you leave their restaurant and go elsewhere.  This might even encourage the restaurant owners to put more vegan choices on the menu. 

Eating out as a vegan doesn’t have to be difficult.  Follow these 5 tips if you want to ensure you have a great meal. 

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