How to Keep Your Commercial Vehicles Safe

How to Keep Your Commercial Vehicles Safe
SRINAGAR, INDIA: A tow-truck pulls a vehicle away from a non-parking zone in Srinagar, 21 July, 2005. Security forces in Indian Kashmir launched an intensive random check of vehicles a day after five people were killed in a deadly bomb blast. Violence has continued in Kashmir despite a 19 month peace process between nuclear neighbours India and Pakistan, who each hold the Kashmir region in part and claim it in full. AFP PHOTO/Sajjad HUSSAIN (Photo credit should read SAJJAD HUSSAIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Last Updated on September 15, 2022 by admin

If you own a business that has some commercial vehicles, you may have realized just how important they are. Sometimes commercial vehicles are more than just a vehicle, they can also become a place to store things. Vehicles can also act as mobile offices, and even places to sleep if you need to travel far. This is why it is so important that you keep all of your commercial vehicles safe.

However, it’s not always easy to keep your vehicles safe. Don’t worry, below you can find a few tips that should help.

Remove Your Tools

If you store tools in your van during the day, you should remove them at night. People can and do break into vans because they suspect there may be tools inside. It would be a shame if you had hundreds of dollars worth of tools stolen at night.

If it is impossible for you to remove all of your tools, consider installing a secure toolbox. The toolbox could be built into the van and very hard to get into unless you have a key.

Consider Where You Park

Where you park can have a huge impact on the safety of your commercial vehicles. If you don’t have a garage to park all of your vehicles consider parking them somewhere brightly lit. Ideally, the area where you park will have CCTV, and the parking lot will be secure.

One of the best places for you to park some, if not all, of your commercial vehicles, is in a garage. If your premises has a garage you won’t need to remove your tools from your vans. Just make sure you have tough commercial garage doors that only you and a few others have access to.

Add Visible Security Measures

If you can, add some visible security measures to your vans. Those without such measures are more likely to be broken into. Consider adding an immobilizer system, an alarm, and even a camera. While these features won’t completely stop your van from being broken into they can act as a deterrent.

You should be aware that some insurance companies will not pay out if you do not have the right security measures/systems. Find out what your insurance company needs and install the required security measures as soon as you can.

Use Tracking Devices

Tracking devices can help you and the police to find your vehicles if they are stolen. These days, tracking devices are relatively cheap and they can act as a deterrent. Some devices come with a sticker that informs people that the vehicle is being tracked. Thieves will not want anything that they pinch to be tracked, it can cause them a lot of trouble. Do yourself a favor and track all of your vehicles.

Use the above tips to help you keep all of your commercial vehicles safe. While none of these measures is 100% guaranteed to work, they can help to prevent thefts. Put the time and effort in to make sure all of your commercial vehicles are as safe as possible.