Jet Lag: Symptoms Causes And Prevention

Jet Lag: Symptoms Causes And Prevention

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

What Is Jet Lag ?

Jet lag is a common condition caused by the misalignment of the body’s internal clock. When you travel from California to New York, your eye perceives dawn and dusk hours before and after you. If you’re flying back to California after the trip, you’ll experience jet lag. You’ll likely have trouble falling asleep at night, but you can still try to sleep.

The problem is worse on flights from the east to the west. This is because the jet lag intensity varies depending on the direction you’re traveling. North-south flights do not experience jet lag. Other factors may play a role, too, like arrival time. Getting home in the afternoon can reduce the amount of jet lag. When flying, remember to check the time zone before you fly to get the most rest.

Symptoms Of Jet Lag

Daytime Sleepiness

The most common symptoms of jet lag are daytime sleepiness, impaired thinking, and irritability. These symptoms can also impair your peak physical performance. People who experience jet lag should not fly too far before contacting a doctor. They should not take sleeping pills or alcohol. As the effects of jet lag can make people more prone to mood disorders and depression, it can be hazardous to their health. If left untreated, the condition may worsen existing medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression.


Some of the symptoms of jet lag include difficulty falling asleep and feeling sleepy during the day. Fortunately, most cases of jet lag are not life-threatening and will pass in a few days. The best treatment for jet lag is to avoid the new food and drink during the flight. However, if you feel that you are suffering from a severe case of jet lag, you should consult your doctor.

People who experience jet lag often have difficulty sleeping, a common symptom of jet lag. Those traveling eastward or westward may also have problems with their sleep. Moreover, people who travel through three or more time zones are likely to experience more severe symptoms than people who travel westwards. It’s important to note that most people will experience jet lag at different times, which may not be severe. 

To control insomnia, along with proper medication one must also sleep in proper size beds and in the proper types of sheets.


While many people don’t realize it, jet lag is an uncomfortable condition affecting your sleep and overall health. It causes you to feel groggy, and you may experience indigestion. You should consult a physician to address the underlying causes and prevent them from getting worse. The best way to cope with jet lag is to learn how to adapt to the new time zone and adjust your sleep schedule to your new schedule.

Treatment Of Jet Lag

Avoid New Foods

The best way to treat jet lag is to avoid new foods, drinks, and activities. During your flight, try to avoid eating or drinking anything unfamiliar. This can help your body adjust to the time difference. Taking a nap can also help you sleep. Likewise, if you can’t fall asleep, you may have trouble driving at night. A good tip for travelers is to keep an eye on the clock, so you’ll know when to stop snoring.

Taking Melatonin

Other treatments for jet lag include taking melatonin or using light therapy to adjust your body’s rhythms. This treatment is most effective when administered at the appropriate time of day. During the day, bright light can advance your circadian rhythms, while evening light delays them. In addition, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. These substances can make your symptoms worse. Therefore, it’s essential to consult a physician or a sleep expert to determine the best course of action.

Sleep Study

Another option is to undergo a sleep study. This is a procedure that evaluates the quality of your sleep, as well as any other symptoms of jet lag. It is important to note that these tests are mainly used to diagnose and treat sleep disorders, so it’s essential to see a doctor if you suspect that your jet lag symptoms are affecting your quality of life. If you are concerned about the effects of jet lag, you may want to seek medical advice. While most people’s jet lag will subside on its own, you should still consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

Natural Light

One of the best ways to combat the symptoms of jet lag is to expose yourself to as much natural light as you can. Natural light helps reset the internal clock, which is crucial when traveling across time zones. If possible, travel during the day, as natural light allows you to sleep well and get up early in the morning. However, if you can’t afford to expose yourself to natural sunlight, you can use light therapy to counteract the effects of the onset of jet lag. This treatment can provide you with bright artificial light, as can a lamp or visor.

Go To Bed At The Right Time

While there are no specific treatments for jet lag, adjusting to the new time zone is essential to preventing further symptoms. It’s essential to avoid bed until a reasonable bedtime for your new time zone and practice healthy sleeping habits. During the first few days of travel, it’s best to stay awake as much as possible. To prevent oversleeping and avoid alcohol, it’s important to avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.


Go To  A Doctor

Although plane air filtration systems help remove viruses and bacteria, they cannot filter all germs. The germs and viruses in the air can affect your quality of life. For these reasons, you should consider visiting a doctor before traveling overseas. But in most cases, you can treat the symptoms of jet lag yourself. A simple adjustment in your sleep schedule and behavioral adjustments should be enough. This can be difficult if you have an unusually long flight.


It’s essential to keep in mind that the symptoms of jet lag are typical and are not a sign of a medical condition. The symptoms of jet lag are mild, but they can lead to various other health problems. The symptoms of jet lag vary from one person to another, so it’s essential to be aware of these symptoms and cope with them. You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol when you fly.

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Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson is a certified health coach and a fitness enthusiast. She is dedicated to helping people improve their overall health and well-being by adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Emma has written extensively on a wide range of health topics, including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and holistic health. Her mission is to empower and inspire others to take charge of their health and transform their lives. In her free time, Emma enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and experimenting with healthy recipes in the kitchen.