Ladies wig vendors: Know the Truths and Myths

wig vendors

Last Updated on October 15, 2022 by

The truth is people experience extreme hair loss and become bald. It is quite common among men across the globe. Unfortunately, this problem is not just restricted to men, since women also face hair loss and get bald. Buying wigs from reputed wig vendors is perhaps the only solution to the hair on the face, although an artificial one. 

However, wearing wigs may cause embarrassment as stigma is attached to it. Such products are stated to be unnatural looking, itchy, and heavy. They are rather the antithesis of style, with high chances of falling down from the head only to make the person feel more embarrassed, especially in front of a crowd. This is why it becomes essential to buy quality wigs that stick to the head properly from well-established hair vendors. If you are seeking wigs that will enhance your elegance, style, and personality, then do not look beyond!

The leading virgin hair supplier combines modern hair technology with that of innovative base materials to weave quality ladies wigs. 

Myths and truths to know about

  • Wigs are hot and heavy: This is myth. Rather, the wig base offered by the top Wholesale wigs manufacturer is available now in a variety of choices. They are created from breathable, feather-light fabrics. The monofilament wig base can be termed to be an ultra-fine gauze material that is virtually transparent. Individual hair strands are sewn to it. The wholesale hair vendors ensure that the base perfectly matches with your scalp. Also, the gauze is designed in a manner to allow free passage of air through it. This means, hairs will move independently, thereby facilitating better air flow. The hair supplier also offers lace bases that are getting popular by the day. This is because these are lighter as well as ‘join’ around the head front and sides while being virtually undetectable. 
  • Heated appliances are to be avoided: A few Wholesale wigs manufacturer have created synthetic hair to withstand heated appliances. But it is important to ensure that the manufacturer-specified temperature is not exceeded. This means, hair dryer or straightener can be used for styling hair as desired. The experienced wig supplier can provide more information involving the do’s and don’ts.
  • Wigs may fall off on its own: This is a myth. Nowadays, the best wigs vendor creates wigs that offer security and durability. Hey provide invisible internal clips, combs and tabs to secure firmly the wigs in its proper place. The leading wigs wholesaler also offers different types of real hair products that use modern ‘staying power’ technology. The wig base might be provided with internal silicone panels to offer additional security. Pure silicon base is also used to develop ‘vacuum’ technology to develop suction or vacuum, in-between the hair and scalp region. The virgin hair supplier assures that users may enjoy swimming and even stand on a fast moving open-top car.
  • Wigs require similar care like the skin: The best hair vendors do agree to this particular point. Harsh weather is likely to damage even the best quality wigs. Hence, you need to take additional protection. 

Discussing with the top wig vendors will allow you to differentiate the truth from the myth.

Read also: Is Human Hair Wigs Right For You? Pros And Cons