Moving Houses? Learn How to Set up the Wi-Fi at Home!

Setup Wi-Fi at home

Last Updated on June 3, 2023 by

The 21st century is a digital revolution. Technology and its wonders have changed the way we live. One of its life-changing innovations is the internet. The internet is not only a mass communication tool, but it’s also a career opportunity for us. Now that the world is shifting towards a digital landscape, the demand for a fast and stable internet connection is high.  It keeps family and friends connected beyond borders, which is why, when people move houses or change countries, they fear losing connectivity. Sacrificing strong connectivity means less communication with the outside world. The internet availability or setup Wi-Fi At Home will determine how connected you remain with your friends, family, and the world.

A home internet means ensuring the availability of a high-speed wireless connection to all devices in the houses.  Wi-Fi enables you and your family to access the internet from phones, tablets, laptops, and TV without cables. A wireless connection is not only hassle-free but is also convenient for texting, emailing, or streaming shows on the go. You never have to worry about losing the connection anywhere in the house. When moving houses, you have to consider internet providers and cable services, among other things, to power up your house. It’s not an easy task, but lucky for you, this guide will help you figure out how to set up the Wi-Fi at your new place quickly. Read ahead and get going!

What Equipment Do I Need To Setup Wi-Fi At Home?

To set up high-speed Wi-Fi at your home, you will need a few pieces of essential equipment. You can easily find and purchase these at any electronic store.

  • Modem: It’s a device that converts signals from cables and phone lines into digital signals. The modem delivers the converted signals to the router, which allows internet connectivity to digital devices. Often, your ISP will provide you with a modem; if they don’t, you will have to purchase your own and ensure its compatibility with the ISP service.
  • Router: The router is used to connect the modem to all your devices and route internet signals throughout the house.
  • Ethernet cable: This cable carries high-speed signals and connects the router and modem.

How Do I Start Setup Wi-Fi At Home?

  • Choose the right internet service provider: This is one of the very first steps you should take before you begin setting up your Wi-Fi at home. You have to find the right internet service provider available in your local region and purchase an internet subscription from them. If you’re already signed up for cable TV subscription by chance, you can contact your provider and ask about existing internet bundles. They may help you figure out something with your current policy. The AT&T new internet service is redefined to bring you incredible bundles and packages starting at cut-throat prices!
  • Choose a wireless router and modem: Once you’ve selected your internet service provider, you need to purchase a modem if not provided by the ISP for a monthly fee. Just make sure the modem you purchase is compatible with your ISP’s service. Get their approval to avoid any future mishaps. You will also need to invest in a router to network the connection from the modem throughout your house
  • Connect the cable service to your modem: After subscribing to internet service and having the modem and router, you will connect the cable outlet to your modem.
  • Connect the modem and the router: The next step is to use an Ethernet cable to establish a connection between the wireless router and the modem.
  • Connect the modem/router connected to a power outlet: Now, all you have to do is plug your router/modem connection to a reliable electrical source so you can power up your devices with Wi-Fi.
  • Connect to the Wi-Fi from your device: Connect your laptop, phone, tablet, and other devices to the network by searching the name in the Wi-Fi settings o your device.

Important Factors to Consider When Wi-Fi Shopping For Home

Trust your Wi-Fi with the best internet connection

Before setting up Wi-Fi at home, you have to figure out the type of Internet connection that fits your needs. The top 4 types of internet connection are DSL, cable, fiber optic, and satellite.

Count your devices

The more devices using Wi-Fi, the lower the internet speed may drop. Internet speeds often depend on the number of devices connected to the connection. Before you choose the type of internet connection, make sure to factor in the number of devices that will be connected. This helps you in knowing the type of speed suitable for your preferences.

Data Usage Matters

Data usage refers to the amount of data you use per month. The data usage limit often depends on your Internet Service Provider. If you exceed the data usage limit, you will face overage charges and extra monthly fees. You can either extend your current internet package or reduce data usage to avoid the extra fees. One way to limit data limit charges is by monitoring your background activities. Disable apps running in the background, streaming videos in HD, synching data, and live updates on data.

The Size Of Your House Matters

How big or small your house also determines how your Wi-Fi will act. A house that is less than the size of 1,500 square feet will be just fine with a single Wi-Fi access point. However, houses bigger than 1,500 and 3,000 square feet must include at least 2 Wi-Fi access points to ensure the internet signals reach every corner of the house.

Make sure your Wi-Fi is:

  • Convenient
  • Affordable
  • Expandable
  • Secure

The Bottom Line

Moving houses is a lot of stress. Setting up the Wi-Fi shouldn’t be one of them. Use this handy guide to make sure you set up the Wi-Fi at your new house in a hassle-free manner! Understanding Wi-Fi speeds, internet connection types, and important factors such as the house’s size, data usage, and the number of devices is crucial.

Baldwin Jackson

Baldwin Jackson is a successful digital marketer with expertise in search engine optimization and content marketing. The perfect balance of his analytical ability and creative thinking is what sets him apart from other practitioners in the digital marketing realm. He has helped a lot of small and medium-sized businesses in crafting their digital marketing strategies that are not only cost-effective but delivers results as well.

Baldwin is also a proud father of two kids and a Sports enthusiast. When he is not working, you will find him watching ESPN and NFL network. He has been able to get an amazing package on his favorite channels from

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