Moving to Australia: The Basics Explained

Moving to Australia

Last Updated on June 17, 2023 by

Australia’s a popular destination for those in search of greener pastures. By 2020, the country numbered representatives of almost every nation in the world among its population. The country boasts a thriving economy, solid infrastructure, and a wealth of things to do, making it an attractive choice for ex-pats. Are you looking to join these vast numbers of immigrants moving to Australia every year? Here’s a basic guide on how to move to Australia.

Decide Where to Live in Australia

Most Australians live along the coast, and that’s where you’ll find the biggest cities and the most abundant job opportunities in the country.

These are the six main Australian territories and what they’re known for:

  • Queensland – amazing reefs and beaches 
  • Victoria and South Australia – lovely coastlines and scenery
  • The Northern Territory – a unique outback experience
  • New South Wales – a strong economy, gorgeous beaches, and the Blue Mountains
  • Tasmania – clean air and pristine natural spaces

Australia’s generally a hot country, although snow does occur in the Snowy Mountains region and the High Country during winter.

Finding a Job in Australia

There are many jobs available in Australia at the moment, although the market’s very competitive in the fields of construction, hospitality, and education.

Do some preliminary research about available jobs before you move to Australia, it will also help you choose a place to live. It’s much easier to find a job when you arrive and worry about accommodation later.

So, plan to stay in a bed and breakfast during your job search.

Real Estate in Australia

Buying a home in Australia before you arrive is much easier than in other countries.

It’s best to hire a team of professionals to help streamline the process. You’ll need a mortgage broker, conveyance, an accountant, and a buyer’s agent. 

Once you’ve got your mortgage approved and agreed on a price, you must submit a signed copy of the agreement to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) for approval. 

Are you considering building a home in Australia instead? Dual occupancy homes are allowed in areas zoned R2, R3, R4, or B1. You can rent out part of this kind of home to help pay some costs associated with this major expense.

Around 70% of Australian residents own their own homes, and rental properties move fast. On a global scale, rent in Australia’s major cities is very expensive. You pay weekly, and utilities aren’t included in your rent.

Living in Australia

The cost of living is high in Australia, but it makes up for that with a unique range of attractions and a thriving job market.

You’ll find the locals are friendly and welcoming, and the wildlife’s truly fascinating too. Australia’s a very well-run and economically powerful nation with plenty to offer immigrants.

Some enigmas you’ll need to get used to after moving to Australia include a total absence of unlimited mobile data, buying your drinks from a ‘bottle shop’, and a whole new language.

Are you interested in finding out some more about how to make a great life for yourself wherever you are? Keep browsing our website.

Read More: Get Yourself Trained In Australia With Visa 407

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about 5 Incredible Reasons to Move to Australia then visit our Travel category.