Purchasing a Cutting Board

Purchasing a Cutting Board

Last Updated on April 18, 2023 by

Cutting Board Size –

What size cutting board do you need for your kitchen? A cutting board is a necessity in the kitchen. And some believe that the size of your kitchen and where you store it will determine the type of cutting board you use. A large cutting board or cutting board can be placed at your work station. The size of the work surface is a factor in determining the size of the cutting board. You should be able to submerge the rack in the sink to half wash. You don’t need to lie down in the sink. If you are going to keep a cutting board on the counter you need to consider how much counter space you have. Every kitchen should have at least one large cutting board. Larger boards make your workspace more manageable and organized. A wide selection of custom cutting boards for prep work. In addition to cutting small items, the presentation of cheese and crackers can also be done. Remember that you need a rack that is slightly larger than your knives. If you use plastic dishes you will need a dishwasher safe dishware. A dishwasher is the only way to sterilize racks after cutting fish, meat or poultry.

Cutting Board Shape and Thickness –

Having a thick cutting board has its pros and cons. You don’t need a heavy cutting board. Unless you are a professional butcher. Fun to use but it’s big and bulky which makes cleaning difficult. The slim flexible cutting board is ideal for vegetables and goes straight into the pot or pan. The shape of the cutting board (square, square or round) depends on what works best for you. If you are looking for Kitchen Kut gadgets visit our site for shopping.

Wood or synthetics –

which is safer? This is a big board question that we will clarify. Plastic and wood are the best materials for cutting boards. I have both a wooden and a plastic cutting board. I use plastic for all my raw meat, poultry and fish. Since the plastic cutting board fits in my dishwasher, it can be sterilized. A dishwasher is not recommended for most wood panels as they will dry out and eventually crack.

Recent studies have confirmed the traditional belief that plastic is safer than wood for cutting meat and poultry.

One study found that fresh wood planks had antimicrobial properties. Although plastic cutting boards contain bacteria, however, a recent study by the Food and Drug Administration found that germs get stuck on wooden surfaces and are difficult to remove by rinsing. When trapped in a dormant stage, bacteria live longer. The next time you use a cutting board, this bacteria can contaminate other foods and can cause foodborne illness. The study also found that micro-organisms readily degrade plastic surfaces.

Cutting board care recommendations are as follows:

1. Keep the cutting board clean by washing it with warm soapy water. and scrub after each use, wash and air dry or dry with a paper towel. Non-porous acrylic, plastic, glass and hardwood boards can be washed in an automatic dishwasher with one quart of water or one to five vinegar dilutions. Fill the surface with disinfectant and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse and let air dry or dry with a paper towel 3. Dispose of overly worn cutting boards 4. Use separate cutting boards and knives for raw foods that must be cooked, such as meat, poultry or fish. The second is for cooked or ready-to-eat foods such as fruit, vegetables and bread.

Cutting Board Size –

What size cutting board do you need for your kitchen? A cutting board is a necessity in the kitchen. And some believe that the size of your kitchen and where you store it will determine the type of cutting board you use. A large cutting board or cutting board can be placed at your work station. The size of the work surface is a factor in determining the size of the cutting board. You should be able to submerge the rack in the sink to half wash. You don’t need to lie down in the sink. If you are going to keep a cutting board on the counter you need to consider how much counter space you have. Every kitchen should have at least one large cutting board. Larger boards make your workspace more manageable and organized. Various cutting boards for preparing work, cutting small items or making presentations.

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