R&D Tax Credit Map: Differentiating R&D Tax Credits in 8 Southeastern States

R&D Tax Credit

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

Numerous states permit taxpayers to claim the R&D Tax Credit, which encourages business innovation and research and development. Does your state provide tax credits for research and development? You can find this information by looking at an R&D Tax Credit Map.

R&D Tax Credit Map: General Differences of the R&D Between Different States

At present, 35 out of the 50 states in the United States offer R & R&D tax credits to business owners to increase company profits, boost the surrounding area’s economy, and encourage the creation of jobs within the State’s borders. Although many state and local innovation tax credit programs do adhere to the federal and IRS regarding QREs or Qualified Research Expenditures and other claim designations, certain states have mandated specific exceptions to this rule. It will be easier for you to determine whether or not your business is eligible if you can identify and understand a number of the most common distinctions. This is the reason why it is highly suggested to check an R&D Tax Credit map to make sure that the state you are in is eligible for the R&D tax credit.

It is essential to keep the following in mind when determining the specific state qualifications:

Eligible Entities

The majority of states taking part in this program know that qualifying entities for the innovation tax credit are: C-Corporations, S-Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships. However, only C-Corporations are eligible for the benefit in states such as Rhode Island, Florida, and Connecticut. Other states do not have this restriction. In addition, C-Corporations and S-Corporations are both permitted to file for deductions in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Deadline for Filing

When filing state tax returns, taxpayers in many jurisdictions are required to apply for a tax credit for research and development (R & R&D). On the other hand, other states, such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Hampshire, Maryland, Florida, Delaware, and Arkansas, permit filing deadlines that are different from one another.

The Percentages of R&D Tax Credits

Each state has its own unique R&D tax credit percentages, which are based on QREs and a wide variety of other considerations.

Carryforward Credit

While some states, such as Kansas, do not accept credits that can be carried forward, other states do. The carryforward credit varies among the participating states. A few local legislation will allow for an indefinite carryforward timespan.

R&D Tax Credit Map: Specific R&D Tax Credit Regulations In Each State

In addition to the differences that are more general in nature, such as the filing deadlines and the entities that are eligible to participate, each of the participating states has its own set of regulations that outlines a plethora of key criteria, such as the application process, the method of calculation, and a multitude of other necessary conditions for taxpayers who are eligible to participate.

R&D Tax Credit Map: Does Your State Have R&D Tax Credits?

Does your company carry out its operations in a state that offers incentives for activities it already engages in? Because the laws in each state are different, it is helpful to understand how and if your company can save money through R&D. The following is an overview of the research and development (R&D) tax credits provided by 8 Southeastern states.

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A tax credit for research and development is not available in the State of Alabama.


Only C-corporations are eligible for Florida’s research and development tax credit. This is due to the fact that the State of Florida’s income tax is only applicable to C-corporations and not to any other business entities.

Florida adheres to the definitions and computation of qualified research expenses that the federal government establishes in most cases. Nevertheless, the events have to take place in the State of Florida and operate within a particular sector of the economy.

In most cases, the credit can only be used for additional purchases made after it has been issued. It is equal to ten percent of qualified expenses that are over the base amount, where the base amount is the average of the research expenditures over the previous four years. Additionally, the credit cannot exceed fifty percent of the corporation’s total tax liability at any given time.

In conclusion, the total amount of credits that can be awarded annually across the State is capped at $9 million unless the State decides to raise the limit for a particular year. In order for corporations to be eligible for the credit, they are required to apply for an allocation of this amount.


The research and development tax credit in Georgia is available to any and all business entities. The credit is allocated to the shareholders of pass-through entities, which are organizations that do not pay separate state income taxes so that the shareholders can use it on their individual tax returns.

In general, Georgia adheres to the definitions for qualified expenses established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It awards a credit equal to 10% of an amount that serves as a base. The starting point for calculating the base amount is the ratio of Georgia’s revenues to its qualified expenses for the three years prior to the current one.

The credit can initially be applied toward the payment of up to fifty percent of the company’s total income tax obligation. The remainder can either be carried forward for a maximum of ten years or applied to the employee’s share of the payroll taxes.


A tax credit for research and development is also available in the State of Louisiana. The credit percentage varies from 5 percent to 30 percent of the excess qualifying expenses that are in excess of the base amount. This range is determined by the number of employees working in the State of Louisiana. C-Corporations, S-Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships are all acceptable business structures to take advantage of the credit. In addition, unused credit amounts can be carried forward for an additional five years in Louisiana.


A tax on research and development is not something that is offered in Mississippi.

North Carolina

In 2016, North Carolina decided to do away with its state tax credit for research and development. Carryovers from the previous year are available for use by businesses for whatever portion of the credit is still available.

South Carolina

Compared to the calculations used in some other states that offer an R&D tax credit, South Carolina’s method is significantly more straightforward. It is equal to five percent of expenses incurred in South Carolina that qualify for federal R&D tax credits, and it should have taken place within the State. The credit can be carried forward for a maximum of ten years and is only applicable to fifty percent of the company’s overall tax liability.

Tennessee There is no state-level research and development tax credit available in Tennessee.

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Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson is a finance writer and blogger with a passion for helping people improve their financial literacy. With over 5 years of experience in the finance industry, Sophia has worked with individuals, families, and small businesses to provide financial advice and guidance. Her expertise includes budgeting, saving, credit management, and debt reduction. Sophia is dedicated to breaking down complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand language and empowering her readers to make smart financial decisions. She is a frequent contributor to financial publications and has written extensively on topics such as personal finance, investing, and financial planning. Sophia's mission is to help people take control of their finances and achieve financial security and freedom. When she's not writing, Sophia enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and reading personal finance books.