Resize images online 3 best tool

Resize images online 3 best tool

Last Updated on July 16, 2022 by

Images of your business are essential for gaining the confidence of customers and increasing sales. In one research, 91% of customers said that they prefer visual material over information that is static and text-based. For this reason, it’s crucial to utilize stunning, high-quality images that are the appropriate size for your website and social media platforms. 

Don’t worry if you lack prior graphic design expertise. Numerous free web programs are available to resize photos. Additionally, we developed a product photography course that will teach you how to shoot beautiful product shots just using a smartphone. While effective image usage may increase visitors and income, poor image use can destroy your sales. The tools we’ll present should make it easier for you to produce the appropriate photographs for your digital sites. 


A fantastic, free picture resizing tool with plenty of choices is BeFunky. Your picture may be resized by percentage scale, width, or height. You may enter 500 pixels into the “Width” area, for instance, if you are certain that is how wide your picture must be. In order to prevent picture distortion, the height will be selected automatically. 

Simply uncheck the “Lock Aspect Ratio” option if you wish to choose the width and height manually. Due to the potential for worsening picture quality when the ratio varies, use caution. Free basic picture editing and resizing options are available. You may pay to upgrade to BeFunky premium if you’d like additional possibilities. You’ll have access to choices such as photo filters and effects, touch-ups, frames, text, and more by doing this. 

If you are searching for a hassle-free tool to resize images online, you may consider taking a look at It is a great example for a hassle-free file converter. Even if you wonder how to resize image, you may take a look at this tool and get the job done. 

To use the tool, choose a picture, decide whether you want to resize it using pixels or a percentage, select the quantity of pixels or the %, and then click Resize. Make careful to input just one dimension to avoid a distorted or bizarre-looking outcome. By doing this, the tool is prompted to maintain identical dimensions. 

A picture can only be shrunk, not enlarged. But it’s crucial to remember that enlarging a photograph can degrade its quality. In any case, you should strive to avoid doing this. Note that you may convert photographs to other formats with this program. For instance, you may use this program to convert JPG photos to PNG files.  You don’t need to worry how to resize image when you use this online tool. 


The abbreviation “Batch Image Resizing Made Easy” stands for this. Instead of resizing each picture individually, you may use our bulk image resizer to do it. Each picture may also have a border. Simply choose the desired thickness in pixels. 

One of B.I.R.M.E.’s finest features is the ability to preview the images before you finish so you can see how they’ll turn out. This may facilitate and speed up the editing process.

Read More: How to Choose a Picture Frame Wall Holder