Tips and Tricks to Get 7+ Bands in IELTS Writing Module

IELTS Writing Module

Last Updated on July 30, 2022 by

Many candidates want to score 7+ bands in the IELTS writing module but they often get stuck between 6 and 6.5 bands. Students really feel disappointed when they appear for the exams multiple times but do not get their desired score. Everyone wants to know what else they can do to make a change in their writing score. So, here we will give you some of the tips and tricks which can be really helpful to get 7+ bands in the IELTS writing module.

》Understand the marking criteria 

It’s really important to know how a writing topic is evaluated. Basically, a writing is marked as per the four parameters: Task Achievement, Cohesion & Coherence, Lexical Resources and Grammatical Range & Accuracy. You will have to write by keeping these things in your mind. Many students just focus on memorising fancy vocabulary because they believe it will help them to get 7+ bands. However, this is not true as Lexical resources contribute only 25% to your writing task so you have to consider the other aspects of writing as well.

》Avoid Spelling Mistakes

Many times, candidates try to use a very top-notch vocabulary in their writing task but end up with making some spelling errors. So, it is very important that if you are not sure about the spellings of any word then you should avoid using it. You can pick any other regular word instead of that word because it may not enhance your score but incorrect spellings can affect your score adversely. So, do not try to impress the examiner by such a show-off because it is not really necessary. Write simple but it should be 100% correct.

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》Plan Before Writing 

Before writing your essay, you should take a couple of minutes to read & properly understand the questions. Then you should think about the ideas you are going to explain in your essay and note down them as bullet points in the rough sheet. It will help you to plan & organise your essay and you don’t have to face the shortage of ideas in the middle of your test. Moreover, your introduction should be well structured also because it is the face of your writing.

》Do Not Repeat Same Sentences or Ideas

If you want to impress the examiner then you have to bring some diversity in your writing. Do not repeat the same lines or ideas multiple times. You can add new ideas with proper justification and relevant examples. It doesn’t matter what kind of ideas are coming to your mind, just write it appropriately. Just keep in mind that it should be relevant to the topic and do not write anything which seems out of the track. 

》Read Sample Answers 

If you find it difficult to generate new ideas immediately then you should read sample answers. Writing essays are based on about 20 to 25 common topics like Pollution, Education, Health, Sports, Technology, Government, Transport etc. So, you can read sample answers for these common topics to get some ideas. Writing sample answers are easily available on the internet for free and you can even buy some books for your convenience.

》Handwriting Should Be Readable 

There are many candidates who know English very well but still couldn’t perform well in the writing module because of their bad handwriting. Such candidates should either go for CD-IELTS which stands for Computer Delivered IELTS or should improve their handwriting. Your handwriting should be clear and readable so that an examiner doesn’t have to struggle to read and understand your work.


Proofreading is required to ensure that there is no noticeable mistake in your writing task. You get 60 minutes for your writing module but you should at least save 5 minutes to proof-read your work because if there are some basic grammar or spelling mistakes in your writing work then you cannot expect 7+ bands. So finish your both tasks within 55 minutes and spend the remaining time to find out the basic errors.

Undoubtedly, it is not an easy task to get 7+ bands in a writing module but by following the above tips and tricks you can make it easy for you. Still having doubts, joining the best IELTS institute in Jalandhar will help you to take 7+ bands for sure.

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