Eight tried and tested tips for businesses to improve productivity

Eight tried and tested tips for businesses to improve productivity

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Saira Farman

Attending back-to-back meetings, struggling to send out reports before the deadline, and making it to lunch in one piece, we’ve all been there. Almost every employee at some point struggles to work at their full potential and remain productive for all eight hours every day.

While there’s only so much that an employee can do, the organization should also play a vital role in improving the company’s productivity since workforce productivity holds immense significance for all businesses.

As an entity, the company must be serious about creating a motivating, innovative, and productive environment for its employees.

Suppose, for any reason; your workforce is exhausted and lagging behind their commitments; in this case, a company must take measures to ensure a good productivity rate within the workforce.

1. Promote monotasking:

This vast misconception has rooted itself in today’s corporate world that multitasking is essential and an attractive employee skill.

While some businesses may require their employees to handle several tasks simultaneously, it is a failed technique in the long run.

Multitasking not only stretches thin for the workforce but also increases chances for errors and delays while decreasing productivity.

Therefore, promoting a working environment that encourages employees to perform one task at a time with full potential is a better idea.

It would be best not to engage employees in multiple tasks at once but instead motivate them to concentrate and finish tasks one at a time.  

2. Implement training programs:

Improving employees’ skills and knowledge helps avoid task repetition and error. Teaching new skills while also implementing training to retain older employees inspires productivity by preventing time-consuming mistakes.

Companies should also promote self-training and education among employees for personal development. For instance, business talent today prefers growth opportunities through online mba no gmat required degrees to understand the changing dynamics of business and make more informed decisions.

The motivation to learn and to inspire confidence in employees can benefit companies significantly in increasing productivity.

3. Improve operations through efficient tools:

There’s nothing more counterproductive than wasting time on automated tasks. Businesses must evaluate the technology they are using and provide their employees with relevant tools and equipment.

High-quality communication software, task management apps, printing equipment, computers, fast, internet, etc., are the essential components and services needed by employees to work quicker and more efficiently.

It would help if you optimized efficiency by automating monotonous tasks. You’ll learn soon enough that business automation is a worthwhile investment that will significantly improve productivity in the long run.

4. Avoid calling unproductive meetings:

You are in the middle of a very critical task, and your team leader drops by for an unannounced “2-minute” meeting. There’s nothing more unproductive and disruptive than these unproductive meetings, which yield no results in the end.

Let’s face it; you can achieve nothing in either a two-minute meeting or a two-hour one if it is not needed. Meeting sessions are one of the workplace’s biggest time-suckers, especially if scheduled during peak working hours.

Companies should make it a habit only to hold meetings when necessary or when there is evidence to improve group performance.

As a company, you can limit interruptions by avoiding multiple meetings on the same day or sending meeting agendas only to relevant personnel beforehand.

5. Approve flexible working schedules:

The recent pandemic proved “flexible working” is a thing where employees can benefit from both in-office and home.

Flexibility is crucial for keeping employees productive and engaged. Sticking to a rigid schedule does nothing to improve efficiency and even morale.

According to the University of Southampton and Cardiff University reports, productivity either remained stable or improved among most employees working from home compared to six months before.

Today, as we’re getting back to the conventional working environment, many businesses still prefer remote working to increase productivity.

However, working from home may not work for everyone. In these circumstances, companies should offer flexible working schedules to some extent where it positively influences workers.

6. Induce a culture of open communication:

You may be doing everything right for optimum productivity, but your efforts will yield nothing if your employees are struggling with communication.

Open and effective communication is crucial for running operations smoothly, which will ultimately contribute to increased productivity.

Companies must create an open communication culture where employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns, ideas, and feedback. When employees feel that the company values their input, they automatically push themselves to do better.

Since it is challenging to zero in on every operation of your company, why not empower employees to point to areas of improvement and give them responsibilities as a team?

7. Set realistic goals for your employees:

One of the biggest reasons for employees being unable to manage their tasks is the unrealistic expectations of the company.

Many businesses put up idealistic goals and performing standards without knowing their employees’ limitations.

Not reaching company goals means employees are lacking in productivity, and it becomes a paradox. Therefore, companies should change their approach and give employees achievable, measurable, and realistic goals to achieve with sufficient time.

It is also essential to communicate what the company expects from its employees and support them in achieving company goals.

How? Provide employees with clear focus and goals by clarifying directives and expectations.  

8. Offer the best working conditions:

Companies should not expect their employees to deliver desired results while working in hazardous and dull conditions. The company’s utmost priority is to provide its employees with the best working conditions, whether comfortable furniture or air conditioning.

Every aspect of the office should be positive because poor working conditions distract and push employees to rush out of the office without caring about productivity.

Ensure your workplace is safe, is free from discrimination, and contains all amenities to induce maximum productivity in employees.


When it comes to improving productivity within a company, it is a two-way street. When employees put maximum effort into improving productivity, businesses should find ways to help them reach their full potential.

By encouraging and motivating a positive working environment, employees feel valued enough to give their 100% to the company, ultimately improving productivity and company growth.