What is spirituality

What is spirituality

Last Updated on August 2, 2022 by

Spirituality can be defined in many different ways. For some, it is a set of beliefs and values that allow an individual to find meaning in their life through their connection to things such as the self, nature, art, personal revelations or religious texts.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality can be defined in many different ways. For some, it is a set of beliefs and values that allow an individual to find meaning in life through their connection to such things as the self, nature, art, personal revelations or religious texts. Others may see spirituality as a mystical force that unifies all people.

While there are many different interpretations of spirituality, most people agree that it is about transcending the physical world and connecting to something greater than oneself.

What is ascension?

Ascension is a term that is often used in connection with spirituality. It refers to the process of spiritual growth and development, whereby an individual strives to become more aware, enlightened and conscious.

Ascension can occur both spiritually and physically. In a spiritual sense, it is the expansion of consciousness from the physical realm into higher realms of experience. 

In a physical sense, ascension is considered a genetic process whereby an individual’s DNA enters a higher vibrational frequency through a number of energy changes that are occurring worldwide. These vibrational changes are currently affecting the planet as a whole, but are expected to increase in the coming years.

In some cases, ascension can be referred to as a type of spiritual awakening, whereby an individual’s consciousness increases and their perception of life begins to change. This can happen gradually or in a short period of time.

Some people believe that the Earth is currently experiencing an energy shift, which is causing an ascension of consciousness in humans. This shift in would be the result of a number of factors, including increased solar activity, planetary alignment and vibrational frequency changes.

Some people also believe that ascension is the process of moving into a higher dimension, where the physical laws that govern our current understanding of reality no longer apply.

What happens during ascension?

During the process of spiritual awakening and ascension, an individual will begin to become more aware of and accept their true self as well as their connection to nature, balancing the human and spiritual dimensions of their being. This process often brings a deep sense of peace, love and bliss as the person becomes more authentic and aligned with their soul purpose.

How can you tell if you are awakening?

Not all people who experience a spiritual awakening necessarily ascend. In fact, many people simply awaken to their spiritual nature without making significant progress in terms of spiritual development or ascension.


Spirituality is a complex and personal experience. It can be seen as a connection to something greater than oneself, or it can simply offer meaning to life for some. 

Whatever your beliefs about spirituality, it can help you transcend the physical world and connect with nature on an even deeper level. 
If you’re looking for ways to increase spiritual awareness in your own life, we hope you found this article helpful! To learn more about ascension (both spiritual and physical), please visit our website at https://perspectivespirituelle.com/.