Why Data Recovery Services Provide a Better Solution Than Data Recovery Software

Data Recovery Services

Last Updated on March 28, 2024 by Nadeem Ahmed

Do you know how much money the data recovery software market is worth? A staggering $1 billion. It’s no wonder why so many businesses are investing in data recovery services, not software, to deal with data loss. 

After all, most businesses don’t need a one-off incident of losing their documents forever. Instead, they are likely to encounter data loss on numerous occasions. However, that doesn’t mean you should avoid investing in a good data recovery software product as well. Rather than focus on the negatives and what makes it preferable over services instead of software, here is why you should still focus on both and embrace them simultaneously.

Why data recovery services are better than software

Data recovery software is a one-time purchase, while data recovery services are recurring and retainer-based. This means you will be paying a recurring fee every month, quarter or year to use a service. However, when it comes to data recovery software, you will have to pay a one-time fee instead. Another reason why data recovery services are better than software is because they are more reliable. Data recovery software often requires you to have a specific operating system that can support the software in order to work properly. This means that if you are running an unsupported OS, you won’t be able to access the data recovery software. Data recovery services, on the other hand, can work on any device and any OS. You don’t have to worry about compatibility issues with your device and OS.

Until recently, data recovery services were costly, and were consequently out of reach for a large number of businesses. However, this has changed over the last few years with prices coming down drastically. Many data services are now offering discounts. For example, in Dubai, where the charges were sky high a few years ago, you can find a cheap solution by looking up the best offers on a search engine. All you have to do is look up data recovery Dubai. 

Freeing up storage space

If you are using data recovery software, you won’t be able to free up storage space because the program will be sitting on top of the OS. This means it will be taking up precious space. However, if you choose data recovery services, this won’t be an issue. All of the data recovery software will be running on the server, not on your computer. Thus, you will be able to free up storage space by removing the program and freeing up space. If you choose a data recovery service, you will be able to access your lost data right away. This means you can rest assured that you won’t have to wait days, weeks or months for them to recover your data. This is why companies like CrashPlan who offer data recovery services are great for individuals and businesses alike.

Data recovery in real-time

If you use data recovery software, you will have to first find and open the application. Furthermore, you must enter information in the software and wait for it to do its thing. In the meantime, you will not be able to access your lost data. However, if you choose data recovery services, this won’t be an issue. 

This is because the servers are always running. You will be able to instantly access your lost data and retrieve it. This is great for individuals and businesses alike because you will be dealing with a reputable company that will have your data recovered within a matter of minutes. This means you can move forward with your day and get back to business. 

Let’s consider that you’re in Dubai and need a data recovery service urgently. A few years ago, this would have been difficult as these services were in high demand due to very few trained professionals. Now, you just have to look up data recovery in Dubai and you’ll get dozens of options to choose from. 

Proven and guaranteed results with offsite storage

Data recovery services can be a bit more costly than software, but they also come with benefits. For example, with the CrashPlan data recovery service, you will be able to store your data offsite in a secure data center. This means that even if your business is hit by a natural disaster, you will still be able to access your data without fail. With software, you will have to keep your computer on and near your server. If you are in a situation where you don’t have power, you won’t be able to access your data. However, with data recovery services, you won’t have to worry about this because your data will be stored in a remote data center.

Responsiveness and reliability of data recovery services

When you invest in a data recovery service, you will be dealing with a responsive and reliable team of experts. A team that is dedicated to helping you recover your data at any given moment without fail. Data recovery software, on the other hand, is a one-off fix. After you buy the software, you will be able to deal with any data loss incidents. However, if you encounter another data loss incident in the future, you will have to buy the software all over again. There is also no guarantee that the company will be there in the future when you need them in the event of a data loss incident.


There are many reasons why businesses should invest in data recovery services rather than data recovery software. For starters, data recovery services are a recurring investment, whereas data recovery software is a one-time purchase. Data recovery services are also more reliable and responsive than software. With data recovery services, you can also store your data offsite in secure data centers in order to protect it against natural disasters.

Apart from that if you want to know about data recovery then visit our technology page